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Posts posted by CP03

  1. http://www.amexstadium.co.uk/




    I'd love them to play here because it's shiny, new and near me! :LOL:


    I know it'll have a seated capacity of 31,000 by next year but I'm not sure about standing capacity.


    As a season ticket holder at the Amex I'd give that a definite thumbs up - its a fantastic venue.


    Earlier this month Fat Boy Slim did two nights as the first ever concert and didn't sell out. I'd have preferred to see him compere a two day festival with bands but then I've never been a clubber. Everyone who went seemed to enjoy themselves - except for the two hour beer queues which need sorting out.


    Moving the debate on, I was at Jodrell Bank for Elbow last night. I've never been happier to be part of a crowd getting soaked - it was a magical evening The stage sat next to the giant Lovell radio-telescope which was used as a massive screen at times.


    It's difficult to think of a better venue for Muse to play - exhibits and talks on Supermassive Black Holes and Neutron Stars in the afternoon then rock in the evening next to the world's third largest satellite dish!

  2. Is a stadium tour likely in Summer 2013?


    If so, might the boys be tempted down to the stunning new Amex Stadium at Brighton?


    For the first ever gigs there, Fat Boy Slim is doing two nights this coming weekend. Sadly they're only expecting c.12,000 on Friday and c.18,000 on Saturday - a far cry from when he attracted 250,000 to the Beach Boutique II in 2002. As he's supported the Seagulls for many years its fair enough that he gets first crack but I would have thought some live rock might have been in order at least one night of the two.


    It could be Seaside Rendevous II !

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