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unintended musette

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Status Updates posted by unintended musette

  1. Yep, did it last night and thought I'd messaged you back, must have got lost somewhere. It IS rather a nice gif isn't it? Unfortunately I'm not sure where it's from though, I've gone through my gif collection to see if the title has any clues but it's just called "Silverjerk", oh dear....


    Maybe someone on the PMT will have more info? If I do ever find out I'll let you know :)

  2. Hmmm, gosh I hardly ever post here, I'll have to go and find the last post I did to see which gif you mean.....

  3. Do you still have your tickets for Friday available? I might be interested if a couple of other options fall through...

  4. Argentina? Wow! I'm from Wales (part of UK)

    The most interesting thing about Wales is our flag, it has a dragon on it :)

    And there's lots of mountains and castles, and we hate England, which is a shame because we are joined to it and they are sort of in charge of us.

  5. Oooo, thanks! Sorry I've not replied sooner, I don't come onto .mu very much....

    I did try to look at your pressie but my laptop went very strange on me, I'll try later on.


    Where are you based? Not the UK I'm guessing.....

  6. Heeeee! Happy New Year looks SO much better the way you do it........same back to you

    *supermassive huggles*

  7. *enjoys hugtackling*


    What? Indulging in the PMT? Tut, a good mum wouldn't let you do that...you must go on the PCT as well, god there's some lovely stuff on there....*dies* Ahem, yes I suppose Chris IS your dad so maybe you'd better not go looking in there......I'll do it for both of us hur hur.


    Shall I go and ask Goya to be friends too? Is she Goya on here? Ha! I shall gather all of TAM, mwwaaahahaaaaa! Thanks for saying yes anyway xxxxxx

  8. Sigh, who can help being a horndog around Le Christophe Chaud?

    Wheee! Tash must have been on because she's appeared in my Friends panel, bless her.

    Give her a big hug from me when you see her.

  9. Arg, that's mainly why I tend to be wary of it. But there are some good bits



    When is Tash back? I must go and ask to be her friend on here, and Jen too. Have you heard from Jen lately?

  10. Oho! So this is where you've been hanging out, you mysterious Belgian you!


    Thanks for making contact with me on here,I'm still a bit "bunny in the headlights" on .mu and it's nice to see a friendly face :happy:


    Are you missing Tash?

  11. Ooo, forgot to say, I adore your avvy. Muttley and Dick Dastardly ftw!!!!!

    *does Muttley laugh*

  12. Hi! Cheers for wanting to be friends and all, sadly I'm a complete noob on .mu so I'm not at all clear on how things work here, this is probably the wrong place to reply to you anyway but you made my day, hurray! Pleased to meet you, have a great big hug and a cookie shaped like a HAARP satellite :)

  13. Hiya! Sorry I didn't get back to you, it's a good thing Jo sorted things for you cos I wouldn't have known the answer, I just harvested it from a gif thread, probs off Muselive. I don't venture onto .mu very much, I find it a bit big and daunting, and I'm still getting to grips with the whole messaging system here. But I've promised myself I'll come on here more in future. If only for the Pornographic Chris Threads, phwoooarrrr! Ahem.

    Cheers and muchos huggles anyway. Any fan of the divine Muse is a friend of mine.

    Jill x

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