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Posts posted by Michelle

  1. I didn't go to Westfest. I imagine it would have been fun with a group of people, but not really up my alley. My sister is more into heavy rock, not sure if she went either though, the stuff she listens to is probably even heavier than those bands :erm:


    I've just been working on my research. Still a bit burnt out from the intense field season (7 months :stunned:) and my research proposal. Now I'm trying to process all my recordings.


    How have you been Kat? I'm up for a get together anytime :)

  2. Arcade Fire were great as usual. Songs from the new album sounded awesome, I admittedly hadn't listened to the new album much before the gig but now I can't stop listening. The masks were interesting, one of the did some guitar bashing :LOL:. No climbing up on things though like at their last BDO performance. I was happy they played power out but it sounded different with the different drums.


    The Hives were unexpectedly awesome too. Such good energy and crowd interaction. They really put effort into connecting with the audience (and country specific).


    Just those two performances made me a very happy customer :happy:


    The layout in Western Springs was pretty good too. A lot less walking and less crowds to get through. Audience was good too, not too rough. I was second row for hives and first for AF, only got two tiny bruises. Some of the security were hard on letting bags in the D barrier though, so I didn't get in there for The Naked and Famous. But I saw other girls in there with bags so later on I just marched in and no problems.

  3. The same sort of thing happened to me with not listening to Muse and being disappointed in them for not coming. But after watching the latest DVD, which my dad actually wanted to put on, the Muse feelings came back. It was a brilliant concert. I started listening to them again and even looked at tickets left and flights to Sydney :LOL:


    I will mostly be at the main stage at BDO this afternoon for The Naked and Famous, The Hives and Arcade Fire. Hopefully other bands in between will be entertaining enough. Would have been great if The Phoenix Foundation were on the main stage too, but oh well.

  4. Yep! Spent our first night there last night, and I love it. It's bigger and more comfortable, it's in a quieter street and it's closer to the city. And only $10 a week more for each of us. Perfect. :happy:


    Sounds awesome!


    I don't suppose there are any screenings of the Muse movie in NZ? It's already enough that they didn't end up doing a show here:$


    Rialto in New Market was playing it. I didn't see though until the last (or maybe the only) weekend it was playing and I couldn't go.


    I enjoyed the dvd though. It made me want to go see them in Sydney. Luckily I didn't go though as I had a bad cold at the time.


    Yay for BDO tomorrow. Not quite as exciting without Blur, but should still be fun :)

  5. Yeah, sounds worth going! I don't know what to expect from the venue, though - it's a much smaller area than Mt Smart. It'll be interesting to see how they lay it out.


    You should definitely try a Veils album or two! I'd recommend Nux Vomica - I don't think there's a song I dislike on it.


    Yeah it will be. Maybe they'll have a stage in the stock car pit :chuckle:


    I'm hoping Blur and Arcade Fire won't be on right after each other so I can get a good spot for each, but it doesn't seem likely.


    Thanks, I'll look out for that album then.


    Happy birthday, Michelle!


    Thanks! :)


    I went to the Food Show for my bday. I think there was a bit more food samples than when I last went a few years ago as I got full pretty quickly.

  6. Yeah, pretty good, thanks! Still really enjoying my new flat. Just having a casual look around for other job opportunities now, though - I've loved this job, but it's been four and a half years now. And some of my favourite workmates have left in the last couple of months, and it's just not the same without them.


    Yeah true, there comes time when you want change and it's a good idea to keep an eye out for jobs anyway as you never know when something interesting might pop up.

  7. Hey, Michelle! How have you been? Did I see on Facebook that you've been in the US?


    I've been good, thanks :) Just working away on my PhD project. Yourself?


    Yeah I went to the US for a sound recording workshop, so made the most of it by also getting involved with a bird monitoring project for some extra experience and a bit of sight seeing including the Grand Canyon.


    Loved the diversity of bird life over there and seeing the odd mammal and snake :D


    The birding culture is cool too. Learned the terms and things that don't really get used here. It's inspired me to become a more involved birder. Despite seeing all the rare birds in my field sites, there are plenty of other birds that are more common that I haven't seen and some that are quite secretive which will take some work to see. It's good fun.


    And, yeah, a trip to Australia in December wouldn't be perfect for me either. But I'm optimistic - Muse are going to Perth and Adelaide this time, and I think those cities missed out in 2010 too.


    Good news. Hopefully the won't leave us hanging too long though.


    Holy crap that was a massive earthquake. Wellington is scary at the momen8. Ten of us dived under the dining table. Anyone else feel it?


    Yeah I bet it was scary. Hope you and everyone else in Welly are all ok.

  8. Howdy all. Long time since I've been in here, can't believe it. Hope everyone has been well :)


    I'm now a Westie! Moved in with my friends in New Lynn. Feels weird going to work without going across the bridge or on the ferry, but I'm really liking New Lynn so far.


    :thumbsup: Go west!


    Ooh, Muse tour of Australia in December announced today. In 2007 that meant NZ shows were about to be announced soon after, but in 2010 they missed us out... Fingers crossed.


    Fingers crossed too. December would not be the greatest time for me to travel to Australia.

  9. The trip was amazing, especially the places where I met up with friends - lots in London (plus the trip to Belgium with Jo!), as well as New York, Berlin and Edinburgh. Pretty tiring packing so much into every day for six weeks, though, and I got a bit lonely in some of the other places.


    Yeah I can imagine it would be tiring moving all over the place, but it sure is an amazing experience you'll remember for the rest of your life.


    I was doing some practice in the speech-recognition stuff at work today. I took a break and listened to some music. I sang along a bit (I was all by myself in a little room). I didn't notice I'd left my microphone switched on... It turns out the software can understand singing!


    That's pretty cool. You'll be able to make your own karaoke! :LOL:


    So, what does everyone think of Survival?


    I think it's fabulous. :LOL: Still makes me laugh after four or five listens.


    Can't believe London 2012 chose it as the official song, though. Do they want their Olympics to be taken seriously?


    It's pretty epic. I haven't listened to it since the day it was first released though, been quite busy. But yeah, I imagine it could possibly end been cut up and ruined for the olympics :erm:





    I've just submitted my application for the zoo job. My PhD scholarship aplication is in too. Now it's a waiting game... Hope I don't get as anxious as when I was waiting for my thesis mark.

  10. Oh, I see. Yeah, facebook can make life more awkward sometimes.


    I've been working on PhD and scholarship applications plus I've just finished a cv and cover letter for a job as a bird keeper at Auckland Zoo. My uni supervisor said I should apply for the job as just a reference to see how they value my skills and how far I get trhough the application process. I don't know though whether to get my cv checked by a careers advisor or not, as I've never had to give a cv for the jobs I've gotten (only given out a cv once and didn't get that job). And if I don't get a scholarship, I'm going to need to look at getting a more permanent job :erm:

  11. Orens already back in NZ, living in Hamilton.


    Long story short we broke up Oct last year. Still my best friend though and I miss him a lot.


    Oh, I'm sorry to bring that up. Shows how I haven't been on facebook for so long. That's great you're still best friends though :)


    Hi Michelle:musesign:


    Hi Chris! *waves*


    We need a waving smile face in here like on Skype.


    Oh, and I strongly agree with the comments about the cold! Bloody hell!


    And it's just not fair. For most of my trip I was in places where it was meant to be spring, but it was only 10-12 degrees, and I was seeing that Auckland had 18-19 those days. Where's that gone now, Auckland? Huh?


    Hey Rich, good to see ya back. Overall, how was the trip? Highlight pics would be cool.


    That's a shame about the cold weather everywhere, but don't expect warm weather here anytime soon :erm:

  12. I got sent to Australia on a business trip for 4 weeks in March and got to go to Christchurch for two days and via Perth to see my parents for two days too. And now I am going back to New Zealand for 5 weeks at Christmas time and plan to travel around the North Island. :awesome:


    That is indeed awesome! :awesome: Is Oren coming too?

  13. Ooooh I would love a maine coon! They are gorgeous! Our kitty tolerates the dog, but they curl up in front of the fire together. :happy: The puppy was a rescue puppy, her and her siblings were found dumped in a plastic bag in a park.

    Just disgusting what some people are capable of.


    Aww, cute. Yeah, it is terrible when animals are abandoned like that. I can't understand why ours was abandoned, he is so lovely and cheeky. He started showing up more often trying to get food and was quite thin. He had a collar and tag with phone numbers but no one answered and replied. They must have left in a hurry...


    Where's a good place to get a reasonably priced suit in Auckland or Christchurch (i'm still a student, so emphasis on reasonably)? Have several occasions coming up requiring one, so I may as well own one instead of hiring each time...


    Hallensteins have been advertising suits on tv. I'm just guessing they may be reasonably priced. Worth checking out though.


    :awesome: for new Muse album on the way.

  14. Yay thesis done! Congratulations Michelle! You deserve a nice break now! But then on to the PHD, wow! Good on you. Have a cute puppy pic


    Hello all. Michelle- glad to hear your thesis went well! Looks like all that work paid off! And now you're going to do a PhD? :eek: Brave!


    Thanks gals!


    Puppy is very cute :happy: I want a puppy, but my kitty probably wouldn't be very happy if I got one. She doesn't even like our new cat, who kinda acts more like a dog sometimes though :erm: But he's fun; poor litttle fella was abandoned it seems. Pretty sure he's a maine coon as all his characteristics seem to fit.


    I've been looking at all the forms and PhD handbook today, and there's a lot of stuff to do just to apply. If I make the deadline for the first round of Massey scholarships, 1st of July, it'll be by the skin of my teeth :stunned:


    I've been ok, a bit crap the last few weeks, I've had glandular fever and have had to take three weeks off work, awful! But I am on the way up again now finally!


    Sorry to hear that, glad you're better now!

  15. Hi all.


    How are we all? I finally got my thesis mark back and had to share the excitement as I've been very anxious about getting it back. It was a good mark! Yay, I'm a good little researcher :happy:


    Past few months have been odd with me not really wanting to go on computers much after spending so much time on them for my thesis, but think I'm getting over that now which is good because I need to fix corrections on the thesis before getting it printed in hard bound. And with not many jobs around that seem right for me, it looks like I will give PhD a go...


    I'm off on an epic holiday next week myself - San Francisco, Louisville, New York, London, Belgium, Paris, Berlin, Edinburgh, York and Washington DC. Pretty excited!




    Wow, Black Keys on the 4th, Radiohead on the 7th and Coldplay on the 10th, that's going to be a hell of week for some people.


    I want to see The Black Keys and Radiohead. Might have to try get tickets for Birthday and xmas pressies :ninja:


    There hasn't been any Muse news for ages which is odd. Doesn't look like we're getting a live dvd from the last tour season :(

  16. Thanks! :)


    I was getting excited when I was nearly done but then there was also the fear of what to do now. I've got a lab demonstrator position for one day a week and my supervisor said she wants me to demonstrate for some of the papers she runs too. So that gives me a bit of money and experience while we write up papers to publish. There's also various things to volunteer for, like a phd student said I could go out to Browns Island and monitor released rats for him.


    Went to Coromandel in the weekend, so that was nice to get out of Auck for a bit.

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