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Status Updates posted by Michelle

  1. Life is pretty good thanks. Had first and last exam today for the year so I'm glad that's over, lol. Hope you had a good day too :)

  2. Fair enough. More sleep, less stress is everyones dream, lol.


    Presentation was alright I think, bit short but otherwise fine.


    Yeah, it's looking pretty likely they'll come. Crazy how fast time has gone by. But it will be awesome! :D

  3. Being at the zoo was pretty awesome. Feeding some of the animals, like giraffe and red pandas was excellent. Cuddling a wallaby and dingo was very nice :happy: But it was tiring as I was cleaning and stuff as well.


    My picture has changed from the kiwi to my own picture of a rare NZ duvacel gecko. Before the zoo I was up in Auck for a field trip. Went on the dolphin and whale explorer which was awesome too, and at the Massey campus there they have geckos which they showed us too.


    Good on you for giving blood. But yeah, giving bone marrow would be more tricky I'd say. Do they give a local anaesthetic for that or just go right in with a big needle? :erm:


    As for the USoE stuff. Well it started as a treasure hunt. Clues were put up one at a time for each city involved. THey had to solve the clues and go to the destination to get a usb key, each one gave a part of the song. This was mostly done while I was at the zoo so I was too tired to look at the clue solving. But it doesn't matter, it's done and we have the whole song now, and for free! Lol.


    Ah well, gotta get back to working on my presentation for tomorrow. Hope ya have a good week! :)

  4. Oh yeah, can't wait! :dance::awesome:


    I found a flat with a nice room so it's all good now. Flatties moving out because this place a bit expensive and they want to be closer to uni, so yeah.


    That's good your exams are going alright. :)


    I'll be going to work at Wellington Zoo in July, so yeah it'll be good to be out rather than studying, but I hope it won't be too cold, lol.


    Good luck for your last exam! :)

  5. Hey ya! Wow, it was October since we lasted chatted, lol.


    My computer got fixed over the summer, and it doesn't make noises or anything now which is good but it can still be slow. Oh well, at least it works fair enough.


    Oh yes, all this muse news is getting interesting. I'll be more excited once we get an actual date for the album release. But I'm assuming "The resistance" tour might be before that since they usually like to try songs out first.. Hopefully we'll get good bootegs of the gigs then if the album isn't out before hand.


    As for everything else, yeah I've just been studying away and having the occasional panic about organising work experience for one of my papers and field trip dates aren't confirmed which screws everything up :rolleyes: Plus I have to find a new place to stay by the end of the month as my flatmates are going back to uni halls..


    Uni going alright for you so far this year?


    Yes it is a kiwi. A baby little spotted kiwi. In the full pic, it's daddy is sitting next to it :happy: I'm doing an assigment of kiwi diet at the moment so I found that pic in an article, hehe.

  6. Well the experiment was cool in watching the fish go through the maze, but training took so long. I was spending 2 to 4 hours a day on them. But it's done now, and my results didn't turn out to be significant *sigh*. Some fish were choosing the red colour most of the time, but the others were all over the place, lol. Oh well, at least I have some stuff to write about.


    Lucky you start can exam study soon! I don't think I need to repeat how many I have left, lol.


    But yeah, haven't really been up to anything else since I have been doing my experiment for the past couple weeks and now analysing/writing up everything so I can then study for exams.... Maybe at the end of lectures when the assigns are all done I'll be able to go to the movies as my one of my friends wants to see Wall-E, lol. It's suppose to be good, so yeah.


    Oh cool about your laptop. I'd love a new laptop or to get mine fixed.. It can be so slow sometimes and crashes randomly. Stupid idiots didn't fix it properly the first time. Last week it started making a ticking/heart beat like noise and the audio plugs were getting really hot, it was weird. Thankfully it's stopped now, but I hope it doesn't come back.


    Good luck for assigns and exam study too! :)

  7. Oh cool. Well I get around from a combination of ways. I live just outside of uni, so I walk there. I get the bus to town for shopping but also sometimes I go with one of my friends who has a car.


    My experiment entails training them to go through a certain maze with an associated colour around the holes, then giving them a another maze with two options of either choosing the same way as the original maze or going a different way but with the same colour as first maze. So yeah, to see if they have any preference in learning to get through their environment. It hasn't been going to well, with the first couple of times them not going through, so I made the holes bigger and one of them went through. I had a after hours pass to go do it this weekend but bloody security or someone went and locked all the doors to lab where my fish are *sigh*.


    Oh pipetting, I got quite sick of that in my first year biochem paper where we did it practically for every lab as well as using the spectrophotometer most of the time too.


    After that week of tests and assigns I ended up crashing with a fever and cold, lol. I still believe the vit C helps though as it didn't last too long. But yeah, another assignment to work on now due next week.


    I just can't wait til the afternoon of 11/11 when I'll be free of uni and can go home!

  8. You taking 1000mg a day? That's the recommended daily dose which most people don't get. And if it tastes good then that's because it'll have sugar or artificial sweetner, lol. I have a powder one, and when it's not in juice, it ain't as nice for sure.


    Oh bugger! That sucks you couldn't do the test! :( My aim for the summer is to at least finally go for my restricted licence :LOL: and save for a car.


    My experiment still hasn't started yet *sigh*. But this week has been too busy to start it even if she had finished making my maze. I'll hopefully be starting next week, so I'll try see the lady about it tomorrow if she hasn't e-mailed the big ok.


    Back to finishing my assignment now *bigger sigh, lol* but at least it's a draft so if it doesn't make good sense I can fix it to make my final mark a bit better.

  9. Oh, the retard protest makes sense now :LOL: But yeah, TT was crazy, so unique and stupid. It was good fun.


    Aw, that sucks about getting sick. I have either been really lucky in not catching a cold lately from everyone or the bogus amount of vitamin C I've been taking is really doing something!


    Well, some things from my list have beeen completed, but the bigger tasks have not. With it being the friist week of the break, I've had little motivation to get out of bed and not feeling like study, so at least I have got some done. I still have plenty of study for the tests, the biggish assign to at least half do and my experiment is not going to get completed this break, but that's not all my fault :rollseyes


    It's good you have a job though to keep ya occupied plus some more $$ which I certainly wish I had more of to make shopping more enjoyable.


    Hope the rest of your break goes well!

  10. No! I didn't hear about the retard protest(?)... Weird. :LOL: But I can't wait, we are going to see it on Friday.

    As yeah, I have two tests this week and then my break starts as well.


    The break isn't going to be so fun as... *prepareas list* I'm not going home, I have an experiment to carry out, 2 tests to study for, and about 3 assigns (a draft that still counts and 2 little lab ones) due after the break, and another I need to start preparing for. :stunned:


    But umm, yeah :erm: At least I'm not the only one, my friend isn't going home either (although her mum is coming for a bit) as she has just about as much work to do as me.


    Good luck for your assignments! :)

  11. Yeah, I didn't think it was too long either. It needed that extra length to give a good ending.


    Yeah, Dom is a champ! Providing us a good laugh, lol. Speaking of laughs, the new movie Tropic Thunder should be good, lol.


    I have been good thanks, hope you have been too! :)

  12. Oh yes, stress stresss stress. That's what uni is all about, lol. The yoga sounds good though, I've never really tried it myself. A bit of jumping around and air-boxing can let out some stress though. :LOL:


    The Dark Knight was awesome! It was probably one of the best action movies I've seen for a while. Heath's performance, as everyone says, was amazing. I highly recommend that see you it (if you haven't already).


    Hmm, I got some money from family before I came back to Palmy that's pretty much all gone now with not much to show for it. Yesterday I got a nice necklace, actually 2, one from my mum and one from my friend, and also a little silver evening bag for my formal dinner next week. I bought myself a cool silver handbag off trademe, lol, and I guess my new silver chucks could also be included as a b-day pressie from my parents :D

  13. My gpa seems to be hovering around the same grade for the last couple years. The aim has always been to get it higher, but not much success so far *sigh*.


    Oh yes, an OE involving Muse for sure! That just makes getting a job in the real world seem worth while, lol!


    I've been alright thanks, yourself? One week of uni already gone down and I think I have done quite a bit of work already which is unusual for the first week. Oh well, I better get to sleep with another 8am start.

  14. Oh yes, it was cold when you posted that message. And it was sunny! Now it's warm and rainy, lol.


    Yup, I am in my third year of zoology/physiology. Pretty scary, as now I have to think about what the heck I'm going to do next year.


    How is your double degree/major thing going?

  15. We could indeed :LOL:


    I'm good thanks! Finally got out to see a movie today, Kung Foo Panda, lol, it was pretty good though. And yeah, going out to catch up with more friends tomorrow to make use of my precious time left at home.


    How about yourself?

  16. Hello! Lol.


    Yeah, these messages are a bit weird. :LOL:

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