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Status Updates posted by Sever

  1. FINALLY had time to watch the movie, and it's amazing! I am going to sit my parents down and let them watch it, they like Muse but they know nothing about them, so this will be a perfect introduction! All your hard work is much appreciated mate! :)

  2. Cheers mate!

    I'm more exited for this than I was for the new album, kudos for all the hard work you've put in to it! :D


    Hope you have a happy christmas and a happy new year! :)

  3. Happy New Year Liam!

  4. Merry Christmas to you as well Liam, hope you have a great holiday! (:

  5. Just saw your seasonal greeting, but better late then never haha, hope you had a great holiday :)

  6. Thanks Liam, merry xmas to you too:happy:

  7. Yep it's dead, haven't even bothered with it the last month xD

  8. well you just press "view conversation" and then you get our conversation plus a messagebox xD

  9. My messanger is down at the moment but ask me in a week or so and I'll give it to you then :)

    this is easy to use haha

  10. ja man är ju nästan kändis nu haha

  11. Hahaha yeah, I'll just need to find a open purse to "borrow" from haha

  12. Hi! I hope you're the one I talked to on omegle xD Sorry I disconnected, my internet stopped working :/

  13. Problem is I don't know if I can afford it, but I'll try to get some money from my parents :p

  14. Hittade, fan va nice xD

  15. I didn't work at the one I just got back from, I'm only working on this one :happy: But there are so many great bands playing that I'm thinking about getting a ticket and not work :LOL:

  16. Haha fan va grymt xD vart finns den, har varit borta så länge att jag inte har någon koll xD

  17. Just got back from a festival, how's you?

  18. It was great :awesome: going to another festival in about a month :happy:

  19. Yeah there's some great bands there, I prob. won't go see the big names since I like some of the indie bands better and they're scheduled at the same time as the big 'uns :LOL:

  20. Just nu fint väder men det har regnat som fan senaste veckan :p Men imorn åker jag upp till borlänge på peace and love i en vecka :)

  21. I've been good, just relaxing :) How about yourself?

  22. No I'm doing it for free, in return I get to go to the festival for free :)

  23. Haha oh that pic, thanks :D

  24. Haha nejdå klart jag inte glömmer :p

  25. Haha ja, har haft det en vecka snart xD

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