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Posts posted by bluesbasher

  1. I think my brother was stood next to you! He described this exact moment on the way home. :LOL:


    The girls bit or The Groove? :LOL: Even after hearing about the soundcheck, The Groove was so out of left-field that I had trouble comprehending it :facemelt:


    Who was responsible for the balloons? I particularly enjoyed the "Play Guiding Light ... + Big Freeze" one ...

  2. There were 2 girls being absolute cunts outside afterwards trying to rile up the fans by constantly going on about how shit the band are and that they hated having to see them, could've been one of them.


    Sad that people like that got tickets to one of these gigs when so many actual fans didn't.


    I briefly went over to the stage door after and heard these girls, one of them said really loudly and ostentatiously "I just think all their songs sound the same ..." It was so obvious she was looking for a rise out of people that I didn't bother with her.


    Anyway, what a night! When I heard about Fury and The Groove being soundchecked I didn't want to get my hopes up but when The Groove began I just remember screaming "IT'S THE GROOOOOOOOOVE" in my stepbrother's face :LOL:


    The crowd were excellent, the most friendly/talkative I've experienced at a Muse gig as well as the most nuts. I don't think I'll see a Muse show as good as this in the future.

  3. i had a really wierd dream just before i went to see them last november ....


    i was at the gig and i was seated but i was right at the front and my mum was there but not my friend who actually went ... and the seating was like a cinema and hardly anyone else was there. Then muse came out and matt tried to play a riff but he said "o crap my guitars not working" and then the bass player from kaiser chiefs came out and plugged his guitar into the amp....



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