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Posts posted by richiejazz

  1. Woaahh there - unless anyone definately knows otherwise i think your all making too much of this..

    1stly I have never seen dom using acoustic triggers -im fairly sure he doesnt...could be wrong


    2nd im 100% certain there is a backing track to smb - (and just about every other muse song nowadays) Ive been informed that it is dom that triggers these tracks through a trigger pedal next to his hats pedal. the sequencer it triggers starts the backing with an 8 bar safety.


    Now if you look at what he plays in smbh its basically underlining the preprogrammed percussion on the track...basically clicking the rims of floor tom for pulse and emphasising the bass drum pattern....now he cant be triggering that shaker/white noise sound because that all clearly continues when he switches to the heavier bit and plays crotchets on his right hand crash (the heavy dance rhythm) and also when he switches to hats during the 2nd half of verse. For him to be playing whats on backing is unfeasable if you consider what the triggers would have to be set to, combined with changes that would have to be made to the electronic sounds during the song..its a drum machine.. + all live performances of these sounds have been identical in every way to the recorded song, so its obviously been pre recorded.


    Starlight is just on the floor tom yes - echoing the bass part really..

  2. What does he trigger in sbh??? + dont think he uses his ribbon crasher...?


    Does anyone know exactly what he plays?

    I get the impression (unless he is triggering something!) that doms live drums on sbh are more for show than anything else. That backing track/drum machine is such an integral part of the song and for a backing track is very loud in the mix. Ok the live drums underline the song nicely - but is he actually doing much live?

  3. ahhh so the pedal is electronic to trigger the backing/and or metronome and presume the whole set is on a chain setting one after the other. I always wondered this - as most bands thats use tracks usually do it through a sequencer box or a v-drum or something- this is far more subtle lol!!Just got to watch you dont press the wrong pedal by accident!!!!





    A Customs pwn all over ZHTs lol :LOL:




    I don't think this is his primary crash...it seems to be in the second right side crash position where his crash of doom used to be... although in that second pic it looks like there's only this one cymbal present on that side....

    Was this at shepherd's bush????? because he might have just been using it for specific songs on that shortened 'showcase' set: + hes definatley been using his usual A/K custom in that position for most of the gigs so far...

    As for it being a ZHT - they are still good cymbals + this is for a special trashy 'Whitenoise' effect so the quality of the series dont really matter anyway..

  5. anyone know what damping Dom uses in his Bass? Seems like little or nothing at all - but always sounds mega-fat....entirely down to gating/compression?????????

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