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Posts posted by Lexical_Whale

  1. No worries. To be honest I'd agree with James about the oil being more for actual cleaning but the conventional wisdom seems to be that it helps maintain the fretboard as well so clearly it's a case of preference and YMMV. I bought a fairly small bottle of lemon oil maybe 8 or so years ago and it's probably still more than half full. The cloth's the most important thing IMO, just need a bit of patience to polish everything up once in a while but it's worth it to get them looking all shiny and whatnot - I usually give mine a going over if they're looking a bit grim and I've got a spare moment and then do a more thorough job whenever I change the strings.

  2. Posted this in the Manson's guitar thread but I'll share it with you guys too.

    My Metallic Red Anniversary MA-2.

    Just wondering if anyone could give me tips for cleaning it, body? neck? hardware?





    I've always found that a dry microfibre cloth works well enough to get any fingerprints and most marks out of the body and hardware and if there's any particularly stubborn marks then very slightly moistening the cloth seems to shift them. Personally I've never needed any special cleaners or polishes and managed to get a set of about 4 cloths for about a quid I think which means I can keep them in the cases with the guitars and give them a quick wipe over after playing if necessary (I don't really make a habit of it but I know some people that do). If the fretboard is rosewood then get hold of some lemon oil to clean it and help prevent it drying out. No hard and fast rules on how often to apply it so far as I know, just whenever it starts to look particularly dirty/dry.

  3. holy shit Raurie!!! Porn synth is porn!


    I'd love to eventually get my hands on something like that. I've always wanted a Korg Delta, but they're rare and expensive.




    Just had a listen to some Youtube demos of the Delta - definitely lots of synth win there. I've wanted a Prodigy for about 5 years since dicking around with the one we had at college. Only downside is that one of the oscillators on mine is playing up at the moment and I'm so far too scared to open it up properly to try and fix it. The idea of missing out on huge bass loveliness and being able to do the sync stuff (~55 seconds in the video below) is slowly spurring me on to do it though.


    @Jamie: I really love the Orange, just about everything I want from an amp at the moment. Hopefully you'll be able to hear a bit of it in the KnT Factor entry I've just sent in for round 4 :ninja:


    Edit: Helps if I include the video link 1cew7dAbDh0

  4. Nice, what's the clean channel like (when clean)? not sure if it's similar to the rocker 30, which is supposed to be very clean and have no coloration...it's a little dark sounding, but nice otherwise.


    Not really used the clean channel that much to be honest either live or in the studio and to my ear it could do with a bit of softening up with some reverb but that could just be because I'm used to running everything through a slight crunch which gets a bit compressed naturally. Would be willing to do a demo at some point though as a lot of the ones that exist seem to focus on the high gain side of things which to my mind completely mis-sells the amp as there's much more to it than that. Need to have a bash on a Rocker 30 as well though out of interest.

  5. That is a very nice setup. I want more of the guitar and bass pedlols.


    Cheers. Here's clearer shot of my board



    The only real things of note I guess are that I've modded the DS-1 from stock so it sounds much fatter and is much more usable now, the Marshall delay is used for the reverse setting and goes into the front end of the amp (Memory Man, tremolo and Phase90 are in the loop) and the standard Crybaby there has been temporarily replaced with a 95Q because it was making some odd buzzing sounds.


    Our bass player is running a Boss bass overdrive, a flanger and an octaver and is also in charge of triggering our video projections with the homemade MIDI switch (the wooden board).



    do you still have that les paul DC? and how are you finding the TH30?


    Yeah still got the DC, the switch is a bit dodgy at the moment so it's the only one I've not been keeping with me at uni at the moment. Had a couple of weeks back home recently though and managed to record a fairly beasty cover for the KnT Factor thing with it. It's a really great guitar. The TH30 is fantastic too, I tend to use it with the gain set fairly low but the power switching means I can run the volume nice and high pretty much anywhere and get some really awesome crunch out of it and on the couple of occasions that I've needed a more saturated sound it stays so clear and dynamic even with the gain turned way up. I definitely prefer it over my old DSL50 if only because it's so much simpler to use and easier to dial in tones. Also, although I don't tend to use the clean channel at all, I did get a chance to crank it up in the studio the other day and it sounded great, proper AC/DC style tones - needless to say I'll definitely be doing that again at the next opportunity!

  6. Ha! Bear in mind with the price that there's a new graphite nut, different pups, and the wiring is completely different.


    You've got three switches: usual five way, one 3 way between vol and tone, then a push pull on the tone knob. The 5 switch is standard, but the 3 way gives the option to have parallel or in series in any of the 5 combos. So that's 15 variations already :LOL:


    Then you get another 10 from the push pull, which makes the Seymour Duncan's two rails out of phase. Obviously though that only works when both rails are going hence only 10. It's ridiculous, first guitar I've had with a learning curve :LOL:


    So long as you have something you're happy with that's really the important thing. Figured it must've had a bit of work done to it because they really are awful when they're stock models. The Stagg I had when I first started out was a complete dog that only got worse as a result of my tinkering (rather embarrassing to admit but the first time I ever tried changing a set of strings I had no clue what to do and somehow managed to completely remove the tremolo bridge). Think I've still got the body and neck stashed somewhere and if there wasn't some sentimental attachment they'd be long gone. I also knew a guy who owned about 3 of the things including a really nasty BC Rich knockoff and a Les Paul copy that was so badly built that you could bend notes a quarter tone out just by fretting them slightly too hard. Just wanted to make it clear why I have a real dislike of their instruments rather than it just sounding like unfounded snobbery.


    Pickup configuration sounds pretty interesting if a bit complicated for my taste. Thought about modding my tele to be able to switch the pickups out of phase before but that's about as much as I think I could get to grips with! :LOL:

  7. The neck, at least, is off a Stagg. Looks as though somebody's pried the nameplate off the headstock.


    Edit: Looks like this might be what you have but an older model based on the headstock (seems like they don't use the metal nameplates anymore). The bad news is that Stagg are pretty awful in my experience and a brand new one apparently costs about 20 quid less than you paid (Probably best you don't see the amber version which is even cheaper). The good news I guess is that you got the Duncan pickup for a decent enough price.

  8. that was insane! who wrote it? Have you recorded anything in a studio yet?


    Cheers mate. The riff at the start was built upwards from the drumbeat and the there's a riff in there that I've had kicking about for a few years, apart from that we jammed and tinkered with it as a group. The only thing we've got of studio-ish quality at the moment is this track that I mixed from a live session we did for a project for some friends of ours:


    We're heading in to do some other tracks in the studio in the next couple of weeks so should be able to post some more stuff soon if you like this.

    Posted a while back but the only other music we have up at the moment is this track:


  9. @Raurie: Holysantaclausshit that board is pretty much perfect. Also, Arduino? Awesome. My friend got one recently and they're pretty badass.



    Cheers! :) . The arduinos are great fun, still learning really but there seems to be a lot of potential with them.


    nice, is that a diago powerstation?


    I found my old one the other day, but I'll have to get some new cables for it. never really used it as i got a voodoo lab psu a while back, but i'm having noise issues with that


    Yeah it's a Diago. A mate of mine swears he's had noise problems with his Diago in the past but to be honest I've never noticed anything with mine and he did say that when he contacted them about it they sent out some part or another free of charge which seemed to solve it.


    Would a Tech 21 MIDI Mouse work? It only sends program change messages but you could set the computer to receive each numbered message to trigger a preset clip. It's easier and more robust than a breadboard.




    I'd not heard of the MIDI Mouse before. Seems pretty cool though, cheers. Originally we were planning on using an off the shelf controller like that but when we spoke to a lecturer about sourcing one he offered to help us out with putting together something ourselves. Being daft we thought that sounded fun and now it's sort of become part of the project itself Also, we've only spent a third of the cost of the MIDI Mouse in materials (not including the arduino, which of course has other uses too) - it's just a case of putting all the bits together. The picture shows a prototype of the basic circuit with one switch, not the finished article. Obviously it's a lot more hassle but who doesn't like a challenge! :LOL: . Hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff posted up when it's all finished. If the frustrations of wiring and programming don't drive me up the wall that is.

  10. img0295ti.jpg

    Nothing new in that one, just something I took at the end of a rehearsal today.



    In theory this is a very basic version of a MIDI controller I'm working on to trigger videos during a live performance. Need to test it out tomorrow but once the tech's sorted there's going to be another 11 switches all housed on a trusty Gorm.

  11. I had a go at map of the problematique using guitar rig 2


    Guitar Port ---> Cubase ---> Guitar Rig (post what settings I used later) ---> Ozone 3


    That really isn't close at all. All you need to do is program the step sequencer in Guitar Rig appropriately and then link it to control a GR Whammy. Simple, takes but a few minutes and sounds infinitely better than whatever you've got there.

  12. *feels pround someone read their post*

    but its definently no secret, or entierly that hard with the correct equipment...


    ...live, in its essence, its put through two whammy patches, one +1octave, one -1 octave, and they are basically turned on and off at set times through a laptop, thats basically it, ive tried it with my rp-2000, having to turn a +1 octave on and off with a soft-control button and it sounds pretty much the same, just obviously without the -1 octave and whatever distortion matt uses, i highly doubt there are any synths used, let alone 4


    Embarassingly I was talking about this guy :$


  13. Why should i post a false thing?

    However...you can believe me or not, it doesn't care


    To make yourself seem important so that people are clamouring to find out the "secret" from you?


    Someone posted earlier in this thread the method that they used, it's overly complicated but definately not a secret.

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