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DJ Stay

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Status Updates posted by DJ Stay

  1. Boom goes the dynamite

  2. Emens, Aragon, and now United Center. I might be interested in getting together at a bar or something beforehand.

  3. My parents were just in Minnesota and they said it was also very cold. It's been quite pleasant here actually in the 70s and 80s. Not normal for July. And I've still got that beautiful and delicious maple syrup! Hopefully we will get to meet up again sooner rather than later. Life is going into fast forward pretty quickly now.

  4. Sounds awesome that you got a house though. Seems we are all taking large steps in our lives. Who knows where I'll be next summer when (IF all goes to plan) I graduate. I am going to look for jobs possibly somewhere in Europe, Chicago, who knows where else. I just don't want to stay in crappy Evansville. I do however have a job if I want it at the company I have an internship at. So I do have a good backup plan if all fails. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up in Toronto! Haha.

  5. Hola. Just enjoying the summer down here in Evansville. I have an internship with an IT consulting company that I'm doing right now. In a year I'll be searching for an actual job somewhere after I graduate. How are you?

  6. This is weird. The messageboard is turning into Facebook/Myspace! How have you been?

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