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  1. Mewwy Chwistmas Wifey!!! :xmas:


    So soz as usual how late this reply is....my life's been hectic as ever over the last couple of weeks and today I actually have some time to sit down and write you my novel! WAHEY!


    Before I get on to me though, how are youuuu doing?! I hope enjoying the holiday season and all :happy: and not working too hard! Have you done/are you going to be doing anything fun and exciting for Christmas? Have you gotten any Musey and awesome prezzies?! And how is your weather over there? We've been in a snow/winter warning for the past 72 hours pretty much :indiff: It's only now just started snowing really heavily, but before we've been having sleet and freezing rain innit, just what we need to make driving extra awesomely dangerous! :awesome :


    lol soz soz, I don't want to be a big debbie downer on Christmas DAY! The weather isn't bothering me too much, my whole family's back at home so I really have nothing to complain about lol. I'm just sooooooo sooopermassively relieved to be donedoneDONE with finals and projects and studying and the whole lot. Whew! Well, for a month anyway :LOL: Then I'll be back at it again lawl....But yeah I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I had finals allllll last week and I wasn't done until last Saturday at 11:30 PM :-( I had a final paper due by midnight that night, which of course I hadn't started until Saturday at around 6:00, so I guess it's my own fault for procrastinating lol....but it's hard to find the time to just sit down and write a paper when I have 3 final exams all within 72 hours of each other that took up countless hours of my time just studying for!!!! /whinging. BAH sorry I said I wasn't going to be a debbie downer! :facepalm: Stephtard is making her presence known!


    But anyways! Then I've been busy ever since I've been back home because of couuuuuurse I left all my Christmas shopping till the last minute! :facepalm: So all Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and even Wednesday I was out and about all over town, trying to find presents for the entire fam, and friends, and Scott! And now it's finnaaaalllly winding down a bit. Christmas day is usually pretty relaxed since we do most of our present-opening and festive dinner and everything on X-mas Eve. We were supposed to go to my uncle's today to meet up with my entire dad's side of the fam for more presents and x-mas dinnerings, but since the weather is so bad we've had to postpone it to next weekend..... :-/ ahh well. It'll be nice to not really have to run around for a few days :-) Wow sorry about the rambling! I'm just failing all over the place today :rolleyes:


    But to get on with your questions! (and NO of course I don't mind informing you about the Scott/Scoot ( :chuckle: ) situation!) We're doing really well so far! I think the break did help a lot, it lasted only about a week, but I think it was a good amount of time still. I think we just needed more time on our own to just think about everything that's been going on and kind of own up to our own faults and stop being so stubborn on both ends and admit that neither of us has or ever will handle anything in the most perfect way possible. And it's pointless some of the things we argue about, and just remembering that so many things are insignificant in the big picture, and to just try our best to brush them off or handle them in a more calm and "oh well it's no big deal" manner. Sooo yeah! Plus, I think us both being done with finals and being able to be out of the school mindset and back at home for a while is helping a lot too. Because I know both of our stress meters were at MAX for the past month or so of the semester simply because of the insane amount of work we both had going on. And I know we took that out on each other a lot, which isn't fair to either of us. So I really feel, and hope, that things continue to get better, and we just remember what's important in this relationship. :-) There I go rambling again! lol but I know since we haven't been as in touch lately that you've been a little out of the loop with the Scott situation so I tried to give you my best summarized update :awesome: Hopefully I didn't fail horribly at that lol.


    Ahh the mugs :happy: I do remember those times....fecking gave us enough trouble just trying to get that damn sticker I remember :LOL: Tx again for giving me yours, it was tres sweet of you! I've put it up on the back window of my car :D So now everyone driving behind me will know my undying love for teh moose! WAHEY! Awww, I haven't tried to by anything from the Muse shop for a while...the last thing I got myself was the USoE t-shirt they had a few months back. I can't really buy myself any presents at the mo' since the season is all about giving ya know lol. But maybe with some of my new c-mas moneys I'll have to give myself a little treat :happy:

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