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    I might be acting super crazy ridiculous right now, but I'm going to wake myself up at 3 AM this morning to try and get me a presale ticket for the Wemberly Stadium Muse gig Sept. 11th! I KNOW It's probably really farfetched for me to think I can go....but If I can save up money for me to fly over to London for like 3-4 days (and only miss a couple days of school hehe) I'm totally going to do it! And if it doesn't work out, I'll just try to sell or swap my ticket to some other lucky Muser.


    SO I'm super excited to try and do this! Like I said, it might be completely lesbian of me to have this idea right now but I am so desperate to see Muse live, and in WEMBLEY of all places that I'd be a tard not to at least try!


    And you better be going yourself missy because if I have the chance to actually go I'd be pissed as monkeys if I don't end up meeting up with you!!!


    Talk to you sooooon<3 and wish me luck!

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