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  1. Sorry about that mini-ramble...I just had to share a fraction of the frustration I've been dealing with when it comes to their relationship! But! On to other more exciting things! Like, doing homework on Halloween! woo! I usually like to spend some time with friends or something, but this year I am just an old granny lesbian like you :LOL: At least you got to semi-dress up and scare some kiddies with your AWESOME V for Vendetta mask! great movie :yesey:


    And awwww we have had lots of randomly-stupid-but-still-hilarious convos in the past :happy: I did practically christen your bafroom with you you're right! Oh you terrorist trash, you :LOL: naw you're no trash, you're completely wicked and one of the coolest people I've ever not met lol (and WTF bumlicking?!?! that srsly made me ROFLOLOLOL!) I'm also tres excited for the day when we get to finally meet, which you're right, WILL happen someday! It's gonna be epic when we get to meet each other for the first time I can already tell! Hopefully I can start foreal planning my study abroad program because sometime next spring ideally would be my choice! (although I also would like to plan a time when I know I could see Muse hehe) Isn't that bad that I'm planning my studies around meeting friends and seeing Muse? haha. So you need to keep me updated with what you hear about Muse gigs and tours around Londres okay?! It would be so sweet if we could go to a Muse gig together!!!! I really would like to be able to go to one of their awesome stadium tours next autumn, but I just think that would be too soon for me to be able to plan a program :( *le sigh*


    Yes the weekend and dinner with my fambly was good! Nice and relaxing which was what I needed (lol I feel like that's always what I need :rolleyes:) And now I'm just looking forward to Thanksgiving so I can have a few days off from school and just be able to hang around with the fam and eat my little heart out haha. Aw I'm sure your mom/mum understands how important Muse is to you and there's no hard feelings! Esp. if her and your dad just went out to eat with friends and stuff. I know my mum would be so happy for me just to be able to see Muse, regardless if it was on her birthday lol. And aww what fragrance did you get her?! And awww Jake is good!!!! He's actually made a facebook that little dickens hehe. Since I've deactivated mine for now, I'll occasionally go on his (which I haven't been on for a long time now that I think of it....) you should add him he'd be more than thrilled to be official friends with you! (I know, I'm a huge loser for making a facebook for my dog) But his name is Jakezors Klein so if you feel like doin a quick search-a-roo for him, go for it! I'm sure you'd love his profile pic too :LOL: I actually dressed him up as a squirrel for Halloween, which he hated, but I absolutely LOVED! And I'm pretty sure I posted pictures of him up there so now you def. need to add him so you can see his cute nugget body in his squirrel costume :happy: eeeee!

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