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  1. Ooh a new bafroom?! That's exciting! lol it does make it kind of a hassle to shower/get ready and stuff though while you're waiting for it to get done though...I know what you mean about lastminute.com shopping, I've only got one present so far:rolleyes: I'm being so retarded with Christmas this year! I've only been using amazon and ebay too because that's the easiest/quickest thing for me right now. What's going on with your ebay? And you're being stalked?!:stunned: DO TELL! And I hope your headache has gone away...I get really bad stress-headaches sometimes and it's such a bitch. And don't worry about unloading your 'shite' on me! I don't mind:happy: I'm always here to vent to if you need to, it's all good (:


    The packing is done and I'm finally home! Now I just have to unpack everything lol so that will suck, but it's really nice/relaxing to be done and home again. It's really bittersweet knowing I'm not going back to the same school for next semester. Figures that during the last month I made really good friends which made it really hard to leave...but I just really didn't like the school as much as I had hoped I would, and when it comes down to it that's the real thing that matters and the deciding factor of staying at that school or not. So I'm glad to be home, I really miss my friends though...and my roommate had become my best friend practically, so that's sad. But it'll be okay...I'm excited to take classes at my new college next semester still...and yes, this was my first year at uni/college (first semester lol) and let's celebrate! WOOO!!!


    Okay, I'll specifically use the term "bugger off" so you KNOW I'm serious:LOL: But seriously, It's been a lot of fun getting to know you/talking to you...and I've been venting a lot to you too lately which I hope you don't mind too much lol. But yeah same here, nice to be able to talk to someone about things that other people really don't care to talk about! So consider it mutual =]


    :LOL:"oh no you did-int!" Yeah rival bidders really piss me off...especially when It's something that I desperately want...LIKE THIS POSTER!!! So, as dumb with money as I am when it comes to buying Muse merch, I'll probably set my highest bid way up just to ensure that I get it....but money comes and goes anyways, this is something I'll keep for a long, long time...and when I think of it that way, it makes perfect sense on what I'm doing haha!


    Well, that's still 6 times more than I've seen them! If I see them once in my life I'll be content. Knowing that when they tour the US there are SO many places to go and the fact that they're just not as big here as they are in other places in the world I'll be happy with whatever I can do. I bet their shows will still sell out though...I think when they were in the US a couple of years ago most, if not all their shows still sold out...I think people just go because they know or have heard that Muse is awesome live, not even because they really like their music!:p But, there are people like that so oh wellsies!


    Exaaaaactly!...Chris FTW! That's still awesome that you can play to some Muse songs! But I don't blame you for not being ace at the harder/faster ones...same with me and the piano lol. I can play pretty easy, basic things like the newborn intro, sunburn, the bliss arpeggios lol...I want to try the intro to Space Dementia soon though, and see if I can play random parts in a few other songs...I've just started to play again though since being at school there wasn't a piano in my living area..but we have one at home so I'm planning on starting back up again. I'm excited! And yes, if I can learn the bass and even play some simple Muse bass riffs I'll feel so cool:cool: haha but idk if I'll ever be confident enough to post on youtube! Is there any of your drumming on youtube? And that's awesome that you've got every color pants:p I really want red ones! (and I won't tell anyone about that questionable spidey suit...but that is insansely hilarious!)


    :LOL:mario totally had a black mustache and brown hair! wtf were they thinking! And yes, I think aside from all those N64 games that will be in my heart forever...Sonic will always be one of my favorite games/gaming characters ever. I've always loved that game and thought he was so cool haha! DORK:nerd:


    Oh yeah, like serial killer shows and stuff like that? love em! They're so haunting and creepy sometimes, I guess I just get a thrill out of that haha! I'm not a baby when it comes to scary movies either, I LOVE scary movies. They don't always scare me though, as I just find them more entertaining to watch than like, Disney movies:rolleyes: but there have been a few! The most recent scary movie I saw that literally scared the hell out of me was The Strangers. Have you seen that? I thought that movie was briliantly haunting. Oh yeah, Tim Burton is awesome! I love how Johnny Depp is in like all of his films! But he fits the characters so well I don't blame him! Tim Burton's wife, Helena Botham(?) Carter is in a lot of them too, and I think she's awesome also. (Don't worry about the fangirl moment, I get like that whenever Christian Bale is mentioned.....mmmmmmmm.....)


    If Twilight honestly thinks it's gonna give HP a run for the money then it can fuck off! (ahem, excuse me!) But seriously, HP is legend...Twilight will wear off as soon as all those moms pass menopause and the other girls finally get their periods. haha sorry... that's my theory though!


    Yeah we say garbage also! That's right I forgot about cell phone/mobile phone...that reminds me of in the HAARP dvd Dom says for everyone to get their "mo-byle phones out" for...I think Invincible? or Unintended? Damn....I'm drawing a blank, that means I need to watch the DVD once again! But anways, I love how he says that...your accents over there are so cool! American accents are so bland and boring..

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