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  1. (Sorry, this wouldn't fit in the PM...but I figured it wasn't to risque to be put with the visitor messages!)


    Oh it's fine, I have to run off here in a bit to my night class:indiff: only 2 more left though so I guess I shouldn't complain too much lol.


    Aww, I can't wait for my family to all get together for Christmas, I have an older brother and sister who are 25 and 23 so I hardly see them anymore as they're both living their own lives now. But it makes me look forward to the holidays even more now:happy:


    Exactly! all the Muse shirts I even considered buying were no smaller than XL:( I'm not teeny tiny, but I'm not a beast either:LOL: I think the largest I could go is M with hopes that it would shrink a bit...but good luck finding that in the US Muse shops..


    I like your username! then again, I do love that song though. I think that was the first Muse song that actually brought me to tears (sorry, TMI haha) but it's true...you can just feel the emotion pouring out of that song, I absolutely love it. Meh, graduating from high school might sound cool, but it was really kind of pointless. It was a huge ordeal only to get a certificate lol followed by,"now get your asses out of here!"


    Yeah, I know it's a lot easier said than done to just say "do whatever makes you happy!" Which is sad, but life is too damn complicated I don't know if anyone knows what they're doing half the time, they all just try to act like they've got everything under control. (That's my theory anyways. Might not make sense but it helps me feel better when I'm feeling like I'm about to lose it lol). And it might seem like I've got some time to decide, but they really try and push a major on you so you can graduate in 4 years or less....which I can understand but it doesn't help us undecided people!:rolleyes:


    I really hope to visit sometime, that's number 1 on my list of places to go! Whenever I get a chance and the money to travel anywhere, that is:p. I'm used to the cold too, so that's no big deal for me. Minnesota is winter practically 8 months out of the year! only a 3 month break for summer lol (not literally, but it always seems like it).


    Oh Florida, I went there once when I was about 5 and can hardly remember it haha. What did you think of it? Lots of tan, skinny, blond girls around eh? Have you been anywhere else for vacation?


    Oh and this PM was just about as long as yours so don't worry, plus I enjoy meeting and getting to know new people, especially from out of the US:happy: It makes me feel cultured, lol just kidding, but yeah I find that you lot from the UK are a hell of a lot more entertaining and fun to talk to than some of the idiots I run into over here. aw, now it sounds like I hate America. I don't, but only leaving here once makes me feel suffocated sometimes, if ya know what I mean. God I'm rambling now too sorry!

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