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About Candleman

  • Birthday May 5

Personal Information

  • Biography
    it takes time to get to know someone
  • Location
  • Interests
    Sports cars, Lotus Esprit, 928S4. Movies. Eating weird foods, the occasional psylocybe mushrooms...
  • Occupation
    stock market
  • Gender
  • Favourite Bands
    The Cocteau Twins, Echo & The Bunnymen as well as Ian McCulloch solo and Electrafixion, Leonard Cohen, Suede, The Tears and others that don't immediately come to mind
  • Favourite Films
    hmm, long list, but films usually aren't as important to me as records.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    almost all, including vinyl LP's and singles
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Orlando House Of Blues 2006?

Candleman's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. LOL Ryan's death will be a most unpleasant one!

  2. Hahahaha! I'm sure that's a false statement lol.

    Have a nice day ;)

  3. On behalf of all your guy friends here I want you to know that all of us would be honored to kiss your feet but the guys are just to polite or shy to admit it. Ciao.

  4. Write!!! Write damn you!!!! please be sure that the Ryan character has an especially unusual and gruesome death. Post us updates.

  5. yeah, well I'm ADD. Give me some Ritalin and I wont have any mental problems... And since we are asking give us some Ambien too.... p.s. lerve ya all

  6. You already friended me a week or so ago. :D

  7. haha i'm glad you figured out the friend request thing

  8. friend me I cant get it right

  9. Her name WAS Mona... My Mom's Chihuahua. I've got my own now and we are collaborating on a plan to rule the world.

  10. what is it like in florida? i have been to ft. lauderdale, i bought a magazine, skittles, and . . . . . . . . . . . .. ummm. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. little. . . . . . . . . . . .ummm . . . ....................................................a ........................................................................................... ummm.................................................

    crap i forgot, i think it was licorish or something like that , then we boarded a plane, but i've always wanted to live either there or australia. . . . .. .

  11. hiiii

    i like the dog you are holding on your profile pick! what is it's name, and is it a male or fe male?



  12. Hope you sleep well. Thanks for the chat tonight! See you soon.

  13. hey whats up im not able to be on very often since my temporary computer is being a bitch

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