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Posts posted by Steven_K

  1. Beginning

    Dead Inside >>>>>>>>> Madness



    Dead Inside > Madness



    Dead Inside >>>>>>>> Madness



    Dead Inside > Madenss



    Dead Inside <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Madness


    Madness wins! But Dead Inside is a great song


    Totally agree with this. Madness is a good song and turns into a great song after the guitar solo.

  2. Watched it at Manchester Lowry last night. Really enjoyed it.

    It was weird though because I could tell a lot of people were holding back. A lot of people seemed like they wanted to sing along and cheer. That's how I was feeling too.


    I think this will make a better release than HAARP. One reason is because half of that Wembley show was in daylight whereas it gets dark very quickly in this Rome show so the lighting effects are great straight away.

  3. Anyone going to see it at Manchester Lowry?


    Have a bad feeling that my tickets are going to be messed up. I went online and selected 4 seats and even chose the seats but when I completed my order it only said I'd booked 2. I phoned up and they confirmed I'd only booked 2 and I had to order another 2 but the 2 seats next to my original 2 weren't available (sold to me?) so I was given the 2 directly in front. So I've got a feeling I'm going to go there and find I've got either 2 or 6 seats.

  4. Well, that was confusing. I went to book 4 tickets for Manchester Lowry, I chose 4 tickets and then selected 4 seats but my booking confirmation said I'd only booked 2 seats on a completely different row. I phoned them and had to book the extra 2 seats.

  5. DEADSTAR;5959068']that's why they want you to pay within hours... so then can relist if it was fun... doesn't do enough damage...


    you better buy of them. Pay with paypal and when you got your Tickets (ATTENTION!!! you only have 30-60 days insured transfer - don't buy now because the time you'd receive the tickets you can't do anything if they dont send) claim on paypal to have received an empty letter... Have fun with your free tickets...


    haha yeah and then sell them at face value to a genuine fan who was unable to get a ticket

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