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Posts posted by citizen_pb

  1. DEADSTAR;5936697']I'm really sorry about giving a false image to some people here because I don't know how it works in other countries. I don't want anyone to make something stupid because of me. Obviously it doesn't work everywhere!!!

    it's ok, no harm done. i didn't mean to make you feel guilty, i just had images of some kids who might think messing with touts could be funny. yeah some of them are just chancers looking to make a little money, but a lot of them take what they do very seriously. i give them a wide berth myself.

  2. DEADSTAR;5936462']

    We go to such a ****er ask for the price then a friend of us attends next to the tout as a fake-tout and offers us his tickets (which are obviously our own) to a much more reasonable price. That completely angers the tout and most of the time he immediatly calls the price or goes bellow it.

    no offence mate, but this is really bad advice. especially as there are a lot of teenagers on here who might think winding up touts is funny and get more than they bargained for.


    i dont know about switzerland but in the UK touting is practiced by some pretty nasty characters who don't take kindly to people taking the piss. if they think you're having a laugh then you're very likely to get a swift slap at best and possibly worse. these are guys it's a good idea not to mess around with, the best weapon is just to ignore them and not buy from them.

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