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Posts posted by the_man361

  1. nice one, thanks! I'm going to have a listen to your song tonight.


    I went through this thread listening to a few of the songs the other weekend. It seems to be mostly dancey and electronic stuff. Where are the rock bands?!


    /posted a rock song.



  2. yo the_man and ADAM - I didn't realise your gig was this weekend, and just checked back. My mate's in Dublin so i'd have to drive, which if you knew me would be a laughabble statement. Have a great gig fiends (I still listen to your CD in the car).


    aw shame, no worries okie!

  3. I'm headlining a gig at The Shed in Leicester on the 21st of December, would be good if any of you lot went to it.




    sadly it wont be an easy gig for me to get to, though id go if i could, but ive played there a few times before.. the leicester promoter we had was a tosser. signed us up to play the worst gigs, a waste of time, put me off playing in leicester.

  4. My train got held up by 40 mins so ended up missing the last bus home :facepalm:


    But yeah, once had to drive from Sheffield to London after midnight and got lost once we got into London, don't think I've drank so much Red Bull in my life :LOL:


    oh yeh, heh i had the pro plus to hand.. after a certain point its anti tiredness stops working and it just messes you up :LOL:

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