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Posts posted by Firebaptist

  1. They were still playing that! :eek: They seriously must be on a loop :p I was listening to the radio Kerrang, they must just have a list of songs to promote and just play them over and over again :sleepy:




    Why Radio2 be better?


    Yes you should request them! I think I requested Muse on an asian network thing once and they said they didn't have any muse :'( :p

    I think because it's something different :LOL: Radio 1's so.... boring :sleepy: Radio 2, Terry Wogan ftw :yesey::LOL:


    I'll request some muse on monday, and report back:nerd: :LOL:

  2. Pfft don't lie, you listen to Radio 1 all day every day :p I gave up on Kerrang, i swear they just have a music loop for each day because i had it on all day once and the same set of songs just kept coming over and over again, I think i actually listened to 'Trouble in America' 7 times :stunned:

    I don't actually... I don't listen to the radio much :p R1's crap anyways nowadays :noey: Radio 2 ftw :yesey::LOL: *ahem* :$ maybe I should request muse on radio 2 :erm:



  3. I've heard starlight once on t'radio and Invincible twice = Not enough :mad:


    I hate KOC...and Hysteria :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I used to hear them all the time when I was in Birmingham and could listen to Kerrang... but I can't anymore :( radio 1 never plays them when I listen... which isn't that often though tbh :erm::LOL:

  4. Yeah i hear the odd bit of KOC...heard Invincible on t'radio on way back from me farm which made me happy :D Easily amused me :p


    Exams start proper on May 21st :'(

    You like a bit of KOC don't you ;) and I know you're easily amused :p


    I miss hearing Muse on't radio, haven't heard them in ages :(

  5. Well its an exam portfolio so there's tons of crap to do :p Exam in 2 weeks :ohmy:


    I want more Muse from the BBC :happy: SMBH and the beginning of Hysteria get used so much on TV in general :p

    Bravo used to use KOC a lot too IIRC :erm:


    when do your exams start properly?

  6. had a graphicks filled day as usual :pimp:


    Note to self: Must cut the spammage


    Yay for NewBorn on the Joseph programme :happy: Someone there loves muse :D

    You're still doing that graphics?! :LOL: taking your time aren't you? :p



    and the BBC muse adore Muse... they use so much of their stuff at the moment...

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