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Posts posted by Firebaptist

  1. Might as well update as well


    Sunburn x5

    Muscle Museum x2


    Unintended x3


    New Born x10

    Bliss x8

    Citizen Erased x3

    Feeling Good x7

    Micro Cuts

    Plug In Baby x10



    Hysteria x10

    Butterflies And Hurricanes x8

    Apocalypse Please x3

    Stockholm Syndrome x10

    Time Is Running Out x10

    Blackout x2

    Sing For Absolution



    Map Of The Problematique x10

    Supermassive Black Hole x10

    Soldiers Poem x6

    Invincible x10

    Starlight x10

    Take A Bow x10

    Knights Of Cydonia x10

    Assassin x2

    Hoodoo x6

    City Of Delusion x4


    Forced In x7

    Man Of Mystery

    Osaka Jam



    That's near enough anyway

  2. actually I was sat in that gig, which was handy as I had a toilet/rush to the bar break when they did Soldiers Poem followed by Invincible :D Nothing beats an empty bladder, full pint and a bit of Assassin



    Fair enough :D

  3. someone is a bit jealous!

    I think not :p


    In fact... I pity you for having to stand through that awful monstrosity :(


    Nah, he's just one of the sensible ones who's realised Exo is Muse's worst song, eva!



  4. holy shite.


    you suck :p


    Except.... There's people who have seen them on the Showbis tour... the OOS tour... and the Abso tour.... :p


    8 BHAR gigs and no Exo Politics, I went to one and they played it! :D


    I don't give a shit about Exo :LOL:

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