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Posts posted by Judderman

  1. http://www.amazon.co.uk/shops/AOSN6GPOR3DST


    I'd like to just shamelessly post a link to my amazon shop, which has a lot of items which may be of interest to yourselves.


    If any of you fancy making offers for any of the items I am willing to lower prices (to an extent) for people on here, otherwise I'll keep my prices as they are on the amazon shop, which relate to other peoples prices.


    So if you have any questions or enquirys if you pm myself on here or ask me a question on amazon, and mention that you seen this on here.


    I don't check this site that often so if you do contact me, be patient I'll get back to you eventually.

  2. Oh, and to add to that...


    I have the absolution singles box set, I haven't listed it on amazon yet, however I will do. But with this I thought I'd put the offer on here first.... So I guess pm me your offers, and we can discuss it from there.


    If it is a wanted thing.


    Thanks again




    I used to post on this forum quite a lot, and I thought I would come back here to effectively advertise the items that I am selling on Amazon - as they may be of interest to YOU, seen as they are mostly muse items.






    Please feel free to spend your money.


    Thankyou kindly



  4. i think we should find all the touts at all the gigs in november and take them all hostage and then...we'll get sayid from lost to torture them all mwhahahaahhahaha hahahahahahahah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    ILU. Sayid is the best plan ever...


    the touts didnt get them all, because i got 2 tickets. it wasnt impossible to get them... so neeeeer :p


    and if you missed out...im sorry, but your choice is pay the ridiculous prices the touts sell them for(however this only makes the touts work worthwhile)... or wait until they tour again - shouldnt be too long...

  5. The last signed singles went for about £50/60. Depends on how the signatures look and the condition.

    its fairly good condish. if thats the case thats a bit :eek:


    it was a birthday present off a friend...and not for sale lol.



    Are either of you talking about the vinyl? If you are they're ALL signed.


    A MM single signed shouldn't cost you a lot more than a normal one really. £10 maybe.

    Nah, Cd Single 2 Muscle Museumsss


    oh ok...



  6. :LOL: :LOL: My dad was watching Eggheads....lol!


    And he said there was some question like "Matthew Bellamy is the lead singer of which group?"


    and the options werrrrre....Muse, Arctic Monkeys and Radiohead and the bloke said Radiohead :LOL:



    i lol'd...





  7. Just heard Map of The Problematique on Rogue Traders on BBC1 they were showing a locksmith smashing up someones doorlock and charging them for a new a new one!


    ye i heard that.


    and newt was listening to assasin while spraying his hair on hollyoaks today.

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