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Status Updates posted by Noodles

  1. What is, spore? I couldn't get the demo to work on my computer (even though it's a beast, I'm just missing a driver), but I played it on my bro's, my creatures were epic. :yesey:

    Pc games are just too much effort for me now though, :( I'm a console whore right now.

    Did you buy it or magic it off the net, because I've been told you have to have a proper version to play it properly (which I thought silly)


    Wooh! Have a good night! :D

    :( Oh, you mean it's not going to get any better than this?

  2. Hey, just letting you know that your post on you eBay auctions has been moved to the selling thread.

  3. Wait, you do


  4. W00t

    Thank you! I'll shall check it presently!

  5. Wow, that's heavy.

    Done, I have an idea why, but I'll wait to see. *intrigued*

  6. Don't bite my head off if I'm wrong, because I'm all special needs innit.

    Are you still on the Moon making cheese?

    Things are still going well with the chap I'm supposing though :D

  7. Sunday's blow monkey pole. Please, be as random and strange as you like. You have good timing though, I was actually wondering where you were and what you were up to just last night. :eek:

  8. I probably do, because I couldn't be bothered having a shower this morning. It's okay though, I don't smell it, because I have my ninja mask on.


    Are you bored or something? :p

    Or just MEAN and poke fun at the odourially challenged? :phu:

  9. I'm just glad it wasn't me who did it for once :D


    I know, I'm just sick statistic right now, I don't even know where it came from, I don't go to uni or anything. Stupid kids. <_<

    You fended off tonsillitis? :stunned: Did you go on antibiotics?


    Goodnight. :D

  10. Ah good, I feel less guilty now! WOOH!

    Don't worry about it, it also makes me feel less guilty about being rubbish and slow at replying. So I can swan around like I'm Mr Butterwouldn'tmeltinhismouth. :D But yeah, reply plez :rolleyes:


    I'm okay, I've just been totally flu'd this entire week. *hack hack* (that's a cough, not a hatchet attack) Have you caught the germs yet?


    Oh and, you replied on your own profile, you goose! :p

  11. Sorry I was asleep before I'm up now O_o

    I don't know what's up with me, I keep dropping off, must be sleeping sickness or something.

    The bright side is I woke up just in time to be up all night >_<


    How are you doing?

  12. Facesalm-1.gif

    Egh, sorry, I forgot!

    I hardly ever check go to my email anymore. I'll do it today! :yesey:

  13. I'm writing my reply, just trying to collect my thoughts so I make sense. :D So it's pending.

  14. I've been meaning to ask, what's wrong with Velociraptors? :(

  15. The crazy kid thing? I still say it sometimes.

    Bellingmy has affected our subconscious minds. O_o


    It was an okay one thanks. I'm working on stopping time for Blee, so when I crack it, I'll share my powers with you, no more growing old, because it's an idiot! :D

    Emo goodness gets me off, man! .. but yeah, if I can offer any insight I sure will. I need an email that isn't spam anyway, it's getting depressing in that inbox. :stunned:

    Thanks for acknowledging I'm a man, was that my gift? :LOL:

  16. A muse themed message? :LOL: Aww

    Yes I did, only I noticed way too late since my phone died before my birthday, you should have just pretended you did it on the day, because you so would have gotten away with it. :D Fankoo.


    Oh, and it's your birthday soon isn't it? Anything you want? ;)


    *edit* Oh it is! I can see it up there ^^>> *points* 1984 is the coolest year of all.

  17. I have never told a bad joke. :phu:

    What's on Thursday?

    Drink lemsip like a lemsip drinking machine! Control your body, mentally. Don't allow yourself to get sick >_< it's what I always try and do.

    Never works though, obviously.

  18. I could win it, but showering is EFFORT. It means taking these clothes of for one, and I'm not sure I could peel them off after all these years. *prods with a spatula*


    It's fine, whenever is good. :D I'd probably be slow replying anyway now, I have other things queued up to respond to :/ *rubbish and slow*


    Why the twitching homes?

    I only just woke up too, so I'm not sure how entertaining I can be.


    How do you get a one armed man out of a tree?

    Wave at him! BDUMTISHHH


    What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?

    The taste! Diddlybum tishhh


    What did the vet say to the dog who kept licking his balls?


  19. Yes, you smeel amazing, but you smell bad.


    Once I finally get around to washing, the `who smells the best` competition is as good as IN THE BAG! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH






    ohh, good one.

  20. You smell like dead fish

    that's eaten a rotton egg

    from a tramp's bum

    while swimming in fart water

    on planet stink!

  21. Correct, begun but not finished. Emo attack I'm afraid. I'll try to have it done soon. :)

  22. I just started writing it this second .... WIERD O_O

  23. Where have you been missus? ... I need gossip!

  24. Du hast repliez.

  25. It's coming, I tried to finish it before, but I couldn't and now I'm feeling guilty that my phone was off... so I'm waiting for you to message me back. :p

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