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Dom's Bomb

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Status Updates posted by Dom's Bomb

  1. Merry christmas sinnylove!!! have a good one!! xxxxxxx luvs and all that jazz :kiss: :kiss:

  2. Hey! :D it was good meeting you on thursday!! MK ultra on friday tho weeee!! i was stood right in front of Matt was soo good! :) how are you? xx

  3. awwww thanks sinny hun!! check out the pic of my new hair in my muse and me photo album too!! :D xxxxx

  4. No I dont remember you!!! Would you like to remind me? :) xx

  5. misses you tooo!!!! cant wait to see you again for muff times w00t!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. click on community and then chat and come chat to me

  7. awwwwwww put the air con or a fan on!!! its cold here!!! :(

  8. I love you too! <3

  9. I don't remember anymore! See Dom is my favourite member of muse and I wanted something to rhyme with it so i picked Bomb! and it came out Dom's Bomb! I think thats how it came about, it was either that or Dom's Faff Bag! but Dom's Bomb sounds better!!!

  10. Good thanks my dear!

    Just been swinging from day to day life like a monkey swings from tree to tree! WHAT! :S

    and still a little crazy!

    the usual! :D

  11. Hey Graceee! :kiss: hows you my lovely?

  12. Oh how was your first day? what are you doing? is it fun? meet anyone nice?


  13. Hey Hey!

    How are you?

    Well done on winning sluttiest muser 2008!

    i knew you could do it




  14. hahaha! i think i spend way to much time in chat tbh!

  15. Thats ok! Yeah i liked those outfits too! I just can't wait to dress up for new year. Not sure what outfit yet! any ideas let me know?! xxxx

  16. Dam i came into chat to see you and you left! :( how are you? *hugz*

  17. Im ok thanks you?


  18. Hey sweets! im ok thanks sorry took so long to reply i have been busy busy!

    how are you?


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