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Santa Claus

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Status Updates posted by Santa Claus

  1. i'm alright, i guess :)


    Yeah, getting along with "sleep" is a difficult task sometimes.


    The pics are going well, indeed, just costly :p gonna drop 6 rolls now by the lab to have it developed, but i'm affraid of going there later to pick it up and pay! lol


    for the rest, all teh same...

  2. hey, i just saw i may have sent you a friend request on facebook (Giu is da name)... :p Anyway... HIIIIII!


    it's been a while since we talked. I hope you're good :)

  3. *random spam dot com* How are you, Gil?

  4. dunno, it's just interesting and cheap. Mostly interesting, if you still pay to develop the films anyway. All the funny angle, shapes, shadows, accidental exposures and so on.


    My digital is, so far, good enough for what my skills are! lol


    But yeah, i got an analog camera. The Canon EOS 300... pretty good, cheap (2nd hand) and although i have to clean it and the lenses are the simplest possible, it still does a good job. But i bought it thinking of taking the course, which means that so far it's being used as a lightmeter for the pinhole exposures! lol

  5. and still notposting on a decent flickr or something? You should be ashamed!


    bout the 400D, if u'd be willing to buy it for me, i won't complain :p


    I think i'll start a course too soon, don't know how good it is, but it's better than nothing. I'm dedicating most of my time to pinhole photography so it'd be useful to learn how to develop the film.... spending 1€ to build a camera and paying 3,5€ to develop just doesnt make sense :p

  6. lol incredibly this time was faster. What've you been up to?

  7. wow this message is old! sorry, i never read it here, i forget this message thing exists


    but i'm good! how about u? could you sleep since 16-06-2009? :D

  8. Giri-san, silly man! how are you? I thought i might leave a message here just to make it count! See you around.

  9. wehooooo so many new stuff in the board since i logged in last time :unsure: cool :D

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