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Posts posted by shadowkay

  1. Ok. If you can budget for a Electro-Voice RE20, that'd be perfect. There is the cheaper RE-320, but don't know enough about it, but both are well beyond £100.


    Otherwise popular dynamic kick and guitar amp microphones are within your budget, or can be found easily second hand for that money. Kick mics do tend to have a smile-esque curve to them, so are far from flat. Trusty old SM57s are actually flatter in response in comparison, but can only use them rammed up against the grille for bass amps due to its low-end roll off.

    Worth a read if you haven't come across it already: https://web.archive.org/web/20150608005446/http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar99/articles/recordingbass.htm




    That's assault. Prick. And no, not sure I do. Or do I?



    And Shadowkay, if you're on a budget, stop ducking about and just DI the bass. You will get much, much better results than a cheap Mic on a (guessing) budget cab, especially if you use some good prostate processing.


    Already do. Prostate is fine thanks

  2. The extra mass of the strings means they're more likely to be affected, though that's counteracted by the extra inertia, so erm, who knows.


    Looking at what you've described, it doesn't make sense. If you fret it at the 12th fret, that note is sharper than the harmonic directly above the fret?


    It sounds like you have gone up a gauge in strings, and if so you're intonation will be off. You need to adjust the bridge until the open note is the same note one octave down from the 12th fret. The bridge saddles need to move back away from the nut. Can you please post some pictures?


    I'm not sure the magnet is strong enough?


    Yes, the 12th harmonic is fine, the 12th fret is sharp. The bridge has been moved back as far as it will go, an it has made next to no difference. I also lowered the action to as low as it would go.






    As you can see it is a bit of a pain adjusting the bridge as it is not as simple as tightening a screw. More like undo a hex bolt, loosen string, guess placement, tighten hex blot, tune, repeat.


    My next thought would be to adjust the truss rod, but that is something I am less comfortable doing. Orobably really simple but I'd like to deal with other options first.


    The gauge can't have changed dramatically. Standards are 45-100 ish. Mine are currently 50-105. Is that really a huge change?

  3. Not a fan after one album? That's a bit harsh, no?


    (Not trying to criticize you, I'm just curious)

    Well they were pushing their luck with BH&R, theres maybe 3 songs on there that I like, and I can't listen to them often. Then TR came out, which I thought was slightly better, but still rubbish, then NSC came out and fun times were had by all. I guess I just really don't like the direction they seem to be travelling in

  4. (*thunderstorm*)


    Who cares for the life we've earned?

    Someone's sold all the truth you've yearned,

    Remember when we used to shine

    And had no fear or sense of time

    When it creeps up on you


    You can't cry now there's nothing to feel

    No one's noticed our loneliness

    Remember when you used to tease

    And made us scream eternal joy


    I believed that you'll always be here

    'Cause once you promised a life with no fear

    Please don't break my ideals

    And say what's fake was always real


    Hope was the one now im gone

    Take me back again.




    This is why I prefer the instrumental versions of the albums :chuckle:

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