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Posts posted by Lisa76

  1. 4 minutes ago, JessicaSarahS said:

    I've checked into it and it's not a glitch. The most common occurrence is the user forgetting the email address that they've signed up for. If you have multiple emails, just try your other most frequently used accounts. I am trying to go through everyone's inquiries, but unfortunately I'm the only one available for this. :( 

    Thank you, Jessica! I've had the same email address since the 90s, it's AOL. lol So, I know it's not that...thanks for checking. Hopefully it can be sorted out before the presale. Thank you for helping!! Lisa

  2. On 6/1/2022 at 4:25 PM, JessicaSarahS said:

    Unfortunately the forum moderators and Admins don’t have anything to do with the presale codes or the main website logins. I can only link the Muse site accounts to the forum. 

    I will reach out to find out who to contact for the main site issues. 

    Hi Jessica,

    Are there any updates on who to contact? It looks like there are a few of us with this issue. 

    Thank you,


  3. Are there any updates? I posted my issue a week ago and it doesn't look like anyone else has received an answer either. Is it possible to fix this issue with our accounts or are Muse subscribers not allowed to participate in the presale due to a website glitch?



  4. Hi Jessica,

    I'm having the same issue. I just created a new account (ladymissg@gmail.com) in order to post here. I tried to reset my password under my original account (ladymissg@aol.com) but got an error message saying that account could not be found. I have Muse emails dating back to 2017 so I know I've been a member since at least that time. Can you help? I really wanted to be able to participate in the presale for the Beacon Theater show in NYC. Thanks so much!


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