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Posts posted by EternallyPissed

  1. 14 minutes ago, New Born Lee said:

    It is not a critic's job to do all the research and interpret everything from the musician's point of view. THAT would be a lack of journalistic integrity.

    It's their job to provide their authentic personal perspective and offer their curation of music to their readers. To many critics, lyrics like "take off your mask" after the COVID pandemic has happened are sloppy because it's obviously going to be misinterpreted regardless of what the lyricist's intent was. That isn't some highly personal, memory-from-childhood interpretation. It requires knowledge and awareness of THE PANDEMIC, something literally everyone knows about. The fact that Matt even TRIED to provide another interpretion is frankly ludicrous - like, you'd have to be DEAD TO THE WORLD to not notice the connotations of "take off your mask" in the current context. ESPECIALLY considering the revolutionary themes in their music. There's EVERYTHING Matt could have done about it. That's why it's SO SLOPPY.

    It REALLY doesn't matter if Brian May didn't mind Muse ripping off Queen. Sounding so very like Queen like Muse have in their songs is tacky to many critics because it sounds like they're piggybacking off the appeal of a style without offering anything new. Critics are more likely to use phrases like "ripping off" not only because they are more impactful/inflammatory - and ultimately journalism feeds off that - but because they do not need to explain why sounding very like another artist is tacky. It's shorthand.


    Gosh, you people are impossible. Thank you for the morning laughs, though; it's greatly appreciated.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Silentgod86 said:

    I don't think music critics should be blamed if the lyrics are ambiguous. If Matt has to repeatedly clarify his personal stances in response to criticism of lyrics he's written, perhaps that's on him for using right wing lexicon. If someone like Zane Lowe, someone who's followed their career from the beginning and his interviews are part of every album's release cycle, thinks the lyrics are pretty bloody ambiguous and can be easily co-opted by right wing groups, it's hard to argue that it's down to a lack of research or pre-existing hostility towards the band. Matt writes sloppy lyrics, this is nothing new but seeing mental gymnastics like "well you'd understand if you read this article and watched these five interviews"  really just emphasises how ambiguous they really are. Great art speaks for itself.

    Come on... Whether or not art intends to be ambiguous, at the end of the day, guess what? It's ambiguous. No matter what the songwriter intended with his or her lyrics, millions of people will hear the song, and as is human nature, they'll interpret it as they so choose. Whether that song, for whatever reason, brings back a memory from childhood; reminds them of a loved one who has passed; etc., they're going to interpret it through their own lens. This isn't isolated to Matt Bellamy's lyrics, as you seem to enjoy contending. Some of the most well-renowned lyricists in history have long had the meanings of their songs misinterpreted due to inevitable ambiguity.

    "Imagine" by John Lennon: Described as "22 lines of graceful, plain-spoke faith in the power of a world, united in purpose, to repair and change itself," Lennon called the song "virtually the Communist manifesto."

    "American Girl" by Tom Petty: Rumored to be about a girl at the University of Florida who killed herself, Petty said, "It's become a huge urban myth down in Florida. That's just not at all true." Guitarist Mike Campbell added, "Some people take it literally and out of context. To me it's just a really beautiful love song."

    "Blackbird" by the Beatles: Many believed it to be about a blackbird, whose wings were broken. To this, Paul McCartney responded, "I got the idea of using a blackbird as a symbol for a Black person. It wasn't necessarily a black 'bird,' but it works that way, as much as then you called girls 'birds' ... it wasn't exactly an ornithology ditty; it was purely symbolic."

    "Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen: According to Songfacts, "Most people thought it was a patriotic song about American pride, when it actually cast a shameful eye of how America treated its Vietnam veterans ... with rollicking rhythm, enthusiastic chorus, and patriotic album cover, it is easy to think this has more to do with American pride than Vietnam shame."

    These are far from the lone examples of song messages by some of the most well-renowned lyricists in the history of rock being misinterpreted. Does that thereby make the lyrics "sloppy" and problematic? Do you still contend that "great art speaks for itself," or due to human nature being what it is, is it not all but inevitable, whether lyrics were intended to be ambiguous or not, they will be received in such a manner, and there's little to nothing the songwriter can do about it?

  3. Okay, so I just watched a rare interview with Chris, and when talking about life during the pandemic, he said something along the lines of, "I think it was the first time most of us got stuck with ourselves at home for a significant period of time, and we learned a lot about ourselves as a result," and something clicked. At this, I thought, "Oh, wow, there it is - the theme of '...Halloween!'"

    I now wonder if it's horror-themed because it centers around the scariest hypothetical scenario of all for some people - being stuck at home and having to deal with yourself and your flaws/problems, instead of going out and attempting to deny them through sex, drugs, and alcohol. As we turn out the light at night, fear strikes our innermost soul, as we've been forced to deal with ourselves; we ultimately don't know who we are; and that ignorance is haunting.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Timbo59 said:

    I couldn't disagree with Fantano's review more, but I've become used to that for many of the artists I love. I'm disappointed he spent most of the video talking about lyrics and messaging, where anyone who's listening to muse by now is aware that's not their strong point. I also thought bringing up Glenn Beck was a cheap shot (plenty of right wingers also think many pink floyd songs are anthems for their causes; that's not the fault of the artist), and his critique of taking off your mask in Verona completely missed the point of that song's message imo. The mask lyric wasn't just a cheap political anti-mask line, it was clearly about the conflict of wanting to follow the guidelines and not being sure what is and isn't safe to do during the early days of the pandemic, but rationality being in conflict and ultimately overcome by the desire for human connection with the person you love, and deciding that's more important than staying safe. Maybe I just relate to the song personally more than most because of a very specific situation I had, but reducing it to a 'yikes, he said take off the mask' criticism fell really flat for me.

    Anyway, glad to see his opinion is in the minority among reviewers. 

    Well put. Once in a while I'll come across a negative review of Muse, where I'll say, "Okay, I may not agree with that particular point, but I can understand where he/she is coming from." For the most part, though, the critical reviews come across as extremely lazy to me. Even though chief songwriter Matt Bellamy has never been big into Radiohead, some critics branded them as Radiohead rip-offs due to Bellamy showcasing a falsetto after Thom Yorke did (like they were the only two to ever do such a thing - especially considering they've both admitted to Jeff Buckley being their main inspiration). When that fell by the wayside (for some), the band suddenly became Queen-copycats - even though legendary Queen guitarist Brian May said he loved the band and had zero problem with them taking some inspiration from his band. When "Uprising" came around, the Glenn Beck's of the world stated it was speaking to them. It reached such a point that Bellamy even took the matter to the press and said he was pissed off that Beck and company were adopting the song as their own. The band was then being "disrespectful" with "Drones," "selling-out" with "Simulation Theory," and now are a combination of past stereotypes with "Will of the People" - including exhibiting an "anti-mask" stance on songs like "Compliance" and "Verona" when the band has explicitly stated that's NOT the case.

    The funny thing is the band has, in large part, at one time or another let it be known what their intent and messages have been with various albums and songs - "Will of the People" included. The problem is a lot of people may hear, but they don't listen. Vague poems or lyrics were at one time considered genius - especially from a marketing perspective, because it improved the potential outreach tenfold. No matter what the true inspiration was behind the poem or song, people of all stripes could read/listen to it and relate. Nowadays, though, it's a double-edged sword. While it may still be a brilliant marketing strategy from the relatability standpoint, if a single person - especially a critic - misinterprets it to the point where their perceived message is antithetical to the initial one, said misinterpretation can spread like wildfire, and then what do we have? A poem or song which basically lives a double-life - one where it's interpreted correctly or at least partially correctly and another which is so off-base, Abbott and Costello are no longer asking, "Who's on first?;" they're asking, "You see that moving dot way up in the sky? I think he was just on first." At the end of the day, given the constant motion and communication that is the internet, what can a band realistically do to stop these cycles? A lot of the criticism I've read concerning this album has been with regard to messaging: "What if someone misinterprets 'Compliance' or 'Verona' as anti-mask? What if people think 'Liberation' is advocating the Capitol attacks?" I'll partially defend critics, as they have many albums to review, and it'd be unfeasible to expect them to listen to "Will of the People" 15 times before reviewing it, but come on, a little research doesn't take real long. Bellamy has said "Compliance" wasn't anti-mask, and that he's fully vaxxxed and mask-friendly. The band's also stated that "Verona" is a hybrid of "Romeo & Juliet" and "Coronavirus." Matt said the main influence for "Liberation" was the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. It's out there for everyone to read and isn't very hard to find. Instead of these critics actually doing their job; they make it seem as though they want everyone else to do the research for them; feed them the facts; and then they'll give a half-ass listen to an album, before providing it an obviously biased review. At the end of the day, it doesn't mean squat, but at the same time it truly amazes me how far we've fallen with regard to impartial journalism and journalistic integrity.

    • Like 2
  5. 1. Kill or Be Killed: 10/10

    2. We Are F-ing F-ed: 10/10

    3. You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween: 9.75/10

    4. Won't Stand Down: 9.5/10

    5. Verona: 9.25/10

    6. Liberation: 9/10

    7. Will of the People: 9/10

    8. Ghosts (How Can I Move On): 7.5/10

    9. Euphoria: 7.25/10

    10. Compliance: 7/10

    I should note that while I love "Absolution" and "Origin of Symmetry," my two favorite albums leading up to this one were "Black Holes and Revelations" and "The Resistance." So, this album was perfect for me. It's the first album of theirs where I'm not even tempted to skip a song, and immediately want to listen to it again once the final track concludes. To me there are 7 standout tracks, and the 3 which aren't are still solid and have been improving with every listen. It's somehow accomplished what I never thought would occur - surpass "Black Holes and Revelations" atop my Muse-album leaderboard. I very rarely hand out such grades, but feel this one is much deserved. 10/10.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Timbo59 said:

    I just watched the video from around 14.15 to 17:00 so I'm not sure if he talks about it elsewhere, but it didn't seem like he touched on whether the song has any deeper meaning beyond the SK references. So it's still open to interpretation whether Matt was thinking about abusive relationships during lockdown or your right wing paranoia about government, I guess? Or have they spoken about it elsewhere? It is interesting, I've also seen some on reddit call it distasteful to make a goofy-sounding song about such a serious issue. Not that it would be the first time Muse have done that. Though it does stick out more probably because it's right after Ghosts, which is also about a serious topic but the music matches the lyrical content.

    Exactly. All he talked about was the horror-film references throughout the song and that the band realized they hadn't released a holiday-type song yet, so they thought a Halloween-themed one would be fun/cool. I mean, who knows? I just find it interesting the alleged "domestic-violence" theme hasn't been confirmed by any of the band members (to my knowledge), and started via an NME article written by Mark Beaumont. I suppose it's also possible Matt left the interpretation(s) open for a reason, as his intent was for the lyrics to be ambiguous, and thereby simultaneously tackle multiple issues at once. :: shrugs ::

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  7. 10 hours ago, sweetdave said:

    Loosely discussed in NME interview but not a direct quote....On The Cover – Muse: “There’s gonna be a big shift. We're dealing with a disruptive transition” (nme.com)

    Take this to mean this was the inspiration...but then evolved at least to me to absurd horror movie parody

    Right, that's the article to which I was referring in my post. At no point do I see Matt quoted on what his inspiration for the song was. Given the upbeat tempo (not tone); the parody-like video; etc., I just have to wonder if the author of the piece - Mark Beaumont - may have at least partially misinterpreted the song's intent/message. It wouldn't be the first time such a thing has occurred. I remember reading an article after the "Compliance" song/video was released, wondering if it was an anti-mask anthem.

  8. 3 minutes ago, sweetdave said:

    I wouldn't describe it as upbeat.....but it could be darker given the intention (yes domestic violence confirmed by Matt in an interview).    Matt intentionally incorporated a variety of horror themes into the song including references to a variety of Movies: Misery, IT, the Shining but it comes across as campy at best.  And the video (which I like) doesn't help ...it seems like a parody of a horror movie.  I think as a result it loses the edge of its intention.  I will not cancel them though as I don't take Muse too seriously any more and just listen to the music. 


    Where/When did Matt confirm it? Do you happen to have a link? I've yet to see/hear it.

  9. I've been reading comments on Discord and Twitter which contend the new song "You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween" is about domestic violence during the pandemic. There are even some on the latter site which have reportedly "dropped Muse" due to the upbeat nature of the song coinciding with said alleged theme of it. However, the only comment I can find potentially confirming that the song's inspiration was in fact domestic violence during the pandemic was courtesy of Mark Beaumont in an NME article he wrote about the band/album. Did any of the band members confirm this as well?

    Reading over the lyrics, while I can see why Mr. Beaumont interpreted them to be about domestic violence, I'm getting the feeling it's not as clear cut as that. To me it almost comes across like a satire about COVID-conspiracists, spoken/sung from the vantage point of one such individual. He or she is paranoid, not so much about the pandemic, but about governmental control during it, and no matter what their problems were pre-COVID, all their problems before and after the virus's inception they now claim to be the fault of the government.

    "You cut me off from my friends

    You cut me off from my family

    I'm in misery (I'm your number one fan)

    Each day I fall to my knees

    I see the writing on the wall

    Now I'm in withdrawal"

    They don't trust the government; they don't trust the CDC; they don't trust Dr. Fauci; and even though vaccinations for the virus started under the candidate they voted for - Donald Trump, they tend to not trust vaccines either. As new information comes to light regarding the virus, and narratives inevitably shift as a result; their suspicions grow; and they take to conspiracy-theorists on social-media for answers - their paranoia exacerbating in the process.

    "You got me checking my mirror

    You make me feel like I'm on the run

    Where'd you hide the gun?

    The kitchen knife in your hand

    Are you the poison, are you the cure?

    I'm not so sure"

    They've been told we're now residing in a dictatorship, where freedom is a thing of the past, all the while many around them are somehow enjoying life and freedom - especially if precautionary measures were taken to help slow the spread of the virus.

    "I'm shackled, there is no way out

    I can't escape

    When you turn out the lights

    You make me feel like it's Halloween, it's Halloween

    When you skulk 'round the house

    You make me feel like it's Halloween, it's Halloween"

    They see what's not there; are spooked by the thought of it; and believe they won't truly be alive and free again until they're overtaken by fear and paranoia over the illusory.

    "I see your eye in the keyhole

    I feel like it's Halloween

    It's Halloween

    Won't reset until I'm possessed

    You make me feel like it's Halloween, it's Halloween"

    The song ends ironically with the spoken words, "But you are the caretaker" - as it's noted that the entity about which the central character feels such intense fear and paranoia is essentially their doctor/nurse/mother/father, trying to protect them.

    Like with the title track to the album, I think the central reason for the song's upbeat, and in this case spooky-fun, tone is because it's mocking right-wing conspiracy theorists, who are set on destroying that which they claim to love and be building (making great again); for buying into the nonsense that doctors and scientists have been brainwashing the masses, all the while they themselves get brainwashed on medical matters by some guy named TrustMeImNotADocter on YouTube.

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  10. 5 hours ago, That Little Animal said:

    I'm never sure what to do with this. Engaging seems futile, as no one can argue with an infinite amount of fragmented snippets of out of context nonsense, complete fantasies, lies and a sprinkling of truth and real societal concerns. Pointing out the apparent disfunction in an online nonsense-victim's mind's workings would be ill-advised and wrong of me to do, as I don't have the background and moral authority to diagnose mental illnesses. But when a recent survey suggests that 23% of Americans believe that U.S. institutions are “controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles” who traffic children for sex, one can't sit idly by and ignore this ever-expanding dangerous communal delusion either. 

    I'm right there with you. Sadly, said individuals are so far removed from reality, the only thing which could potentially bring them back down to earth is some life-altering event. They continually dismiss common sense, facts, and reason as part of the grand conspiracy that is the liberal agenda. No matter how minute, all they seek is confirmation bias, and once received, their delusions will become further exacerbated. Anymore, I unfortunately see such individuals as a lost cause, and try to focus my attention on those who may be leaning that direction, but haven't fully committed to it yet. 

  11. 5 hours ago, PinkFloydMuserQ17 said:

    Alright. I can agree, he doesn’t appear to like Trump, and he seems to believe this Covid none sense, and flat earth? Like I said, I’m not convinced by it either, but I’m OPEN to it, cause how am I to say ‘Oh, it’s definitely a ball and thats that because NASA said so with their suspicious ‘photos’ so there’. But the rest? He may not speak about conspiracies as often anymore, but don’t you think that having children to protect is a good enough reason for that? I mean, he spoke about the Queen being a reptilian, basically called out the secret societies, and said several threats in his songs to the globalists (“The time has come to shoot your leaders down”; “kill yourself, come on and do us all a

    1 hour ago, Claudia O said:

    t 😅

    the Globalist. And how about the Drones album as a whole? JFK+ Defector- 

    Yeah, I'm free
    From your inc-inc-inciting
    You can't brainwash me
    You've got a problem

    Yeah I'm free
    From society
    You can't control me
    I'm a defector

    Or Propaganda? Or how about his 2020 ‘Simulation Theory Theme’ from Cryosleep?

    And I suppose that since I’m a conspiracy theorist, to believe about a cabal of hidden globalists, then President Kennedy was a conspiracy theorist for his desire to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” or for his belief in human cloning (which, by the way, was referred to in the music video for Mercy).  Who else would be a ‘conspiracy theorist’, then? Here is some:

    Jim Corr (from the Irish band ‘The Corrs’): Anti-vaccines, anti-government, believes that 9/11 was a controlled event, believe the swine-flu was man made, believes the American military has a secret tectonic weapon which could have been used to cause the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Jim Corr also things climate change is a hoax.

    Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd): Literally wrote a song called ‘The powers that Be’, the ‘Animals’ album inspired by G. Orwell’s Animal Farm, has said that there is a ‘firmament’, there was literally a Pink Floyd album called ‘Flat Earth’, 

    Prince: Like I said, spoke about the chemtrials. Prince made a speech in 1999 that was only available on his website called ‘One Song’, in which he explains spirituality, corruption and the spell-casting of words we speak. He also predicted his death shortly before died, tweeting “Just When U Thought U Were Safe” (He ‘died’ in an ELEVATOR. Ever heard of his song ‘Let’s Go Crazy’? “When the elevator tried to bring you down; go crazy”. He explained that the elevator is the Devil. He predicted that the globalists/Illuminati/Freemasons/satanists were going to try and kill him.

    George Harrison: For a start, his 1981 song ‘Blood From a Clone’. A bit obvious, isn’t it? Then his never ending writings on spirituality and corruption.

    Tom Petty: Released a B-Side to Hypnotic Eye (Yeah, Hypnotic Eye…), called ‘Playing Dumb’ , with several references to satanic abuse, and clearly hinting at D.U.M.B.’s (Deep Underground Military Bases).

    Eric Clapton: Seems he would be anti-vaccine now, after the terrible effects it’s had on him.

    I mean, that’s some pretty big names there.

    Matt often writes tongue-in-cheek lyrics. He's said a common misconception about the band is that they take themselves too seriously. He recently said, on all but two occasions, he's focused on the music first and the lyrics second.

    One of Muse's strengths, as far as outreach goes, is their typically vague/general lyrics. Matt has said he often does this so people of all stripes can relate to them in some manner or another. This hasn't always been a positive, as far as interpretation, perception, and communication/misunderstanding go, however. Glenn Beck used to hail the song "Uprising," and attempted to use it to further his own agenda, and this angered Matt, so he spoke out about it. "Drones" is now basically a musical rendition of the Bible, as its seemed to become an inkblot on whether to take the words literally or metaphorically. Matt has said to see them as the latter. "Compliance" drew at least one review, where the critic questioned whether it could be an anti-mask song. The band quickly released a statement thereafter to counter said thought.

    Matt, like a lot of people, is adamantly opposed to government corruption. He also hasn't shied away from his atheistic leanings. While he has, in the past, labeled himself as a "liberal libertarian," more recent elaborations seem to reveal his "libertarian" leanings are with regard to personal matters (such as sexual orientation and gender identity), and his liberal leanings are more economical. 

    We can read lyrics however we so choose, but that doesn't make our interpretations an accurate reflection of the artist's intent. If you want to view Matt's lyrics as anti-lockdown, anti-mask, anti-vax, and/or anti-the reality of COVID, that's your call, but Matt has never ascribed to those positions; he's actually fervently spoken out against them. 

  12. 6 hours ago, PinkFloydMuserQ17 said:

    If you payed better attention to the musician you love so much, you would see he is repetitively saying the truth- ‘conspiracy theories’, you may know them by. Remember the show at Wembley in 2007? HAARP? Do you know what HAARP is? Matt does. And what about City of Delusion? “I choose to hide from the all-seeing eye.” Do you have an explanation for this to counteract my ‘conspiracies’? Or Ruled By Secrecy? Before making out people who wish to see truth speak none sense, please look back at all of these things. Look at the interviews and LISTEN to the words that come out of Matt’s mouth. Still think I’m delusional? How about George Harrison- he would agree with these ‘conspiracies’, he had written songs about them, like Matt. Or Prince? He was speaking out against chemtrails. 

    You say "my conspiracies," without elaborating on what they are. How can one listen to another if the other just spouts vagueness like "my conspiracies"?

    I don't think you know as much about Matt as you think. A 2006 song (a single line from it) and a 2007 concert? That was 16 and 15 years ago, respectively. A few things have changed in Matt's life since then, including having kids. He's always said he's conspiracy-curious, but doesn't necessarily buy into them. You seem to contend Matt's curiosity in conspiracies means he believes them, but curiosity isn't equivalent to belief. I think you place too much stock in lyrics. Give a guy messed up on drugs a pen and odds are he's going to write some crazy-sounding sh*t. 

    Once again, the intent of a parody isn't necessarily to poke fun at the band nor song it's using for the parody. Weird Al is the most well-known parodist. Do you really think his takes off Madonna's "Like a Virgin" ("Like a Surgeon") or Michael Jackson's "Beat It" ("Eat It") had anything to do with poking fun at said artists? So, even if Matt were the most right-wing tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracist the world over, me using his song to parody right-wing conspiracy theories wouldn't mean I was necessarily poking fun at Matt. Muse is my favorite band. Why on earth would I write a parody to poke fun of them? 

    The truth is Matt is not a 9/11-truther. He is not a flat-earther. He is not an anti-vaxxer nor anti-masker. He believes COVID is real; that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine being used to treat it was BS; has hailed our healthcare workers as heroes during the pandemic; and called Donald Trump a "Nazi c*nt," calling for him to be impeached. He's as close to a right-wing nut job as Neptune is close to Mercury. My guess is you're a conspiracist; one reason you were compelled to listen to Muse was Matt's conspiracy-curiosity; and my lyrics struck a chord with you as a result. When you claimed I knew nothing about the band and singer, it's progressively coming across more as projection - as though the accusation were a confession.

  13. 5 hours ago, PinkFloydMuserQ17 said:

    No, I’m not a ‘flat-earther’. I see some of the points to it, but flat? I’m not sure. And I honestly don’t care what the hell the Earth is shaped. I would be interested in knowing for sure, but will it change my life? No.

    So what do you see and know that the rest of us don't? ...and does Matt see and know what you do, or do you just pretend he does, in order to make yourself feel better? 🤔

  14. On 7/17/2022 at 7:21 AM, PinkFloydMuserQ17 said:

    You’d like to believe I were.

    Oh my, this escalated quickly. You do know what a parody is, right? When Weird Al wrote "Fat," I don't think it was him laying claim that Michael Jackson was obese. 

    ...and wait, so are you a flat-earther?

  15. On 6/14/2022 at 8:24 AM, Silentgod86 said:

    Looking forward  to seeing Uprising dropped from the set then....



    Yeah, that's not going to happen, but come on - if every inoffensive, vague utterance from 13 years ago could be used against us today in a context which wasn't present then, we'd all be in trouble.

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  16. On 6/14/2022 at 6:11 AM, That Little Animal said:

    After reading the NME article in which Matt finally does get explicit about his politics and is directly asked about the seemingly antivaxx and dark right culture war sentiments expressed on the new album, I think we can put a lot of this ongoing discussion to rest. 

    Surprisingly, he’s not being vague and he’s not avoiding the potential alienation of a part of the fan base by being explicit about his views this time. More surprisingly, the new songs are apparently trying to say the exact opposite of what his lyrics sound like they’re saying. Will of the People is not a dumb song about righteous people reclaiming power, it’s a song mocking dumb people fighting the system  against their own interest. Compliance is not antivaxx or even inspired by CoVid lockdowns. Liberation is not a Capitol Insurrectionist anthem, it’s inspired by BLM, etc.

    Of course one can still be critical of his choice of words (in the lyrics) and his failure to be more explicit about denouncing specific groups or sentiments, but perhaps it’s really just more clumsiness than an attempt to please a broad audience. He seemed generally surprised by the idea that his lyrics can be interpreted in a way he didn’t intend them to.

    His “extremes on both sides are bad” cliché is a bit of a cop out still as well, but the issues he’s explicit about match the left leaning libertarianism he’s expressed in the past, with only ‘communism’ being mentioned as an example of the left taking things too far. 

    Either way, I can now sing along to the new songs without worrying that I’m endorsing things I don’t agree with. 

    I tried telling everyone this at the beginning, but I digress. As an American, what I found amusing was when Matt contended to being libertarian about issues concerning one's private life (such as gender identity and the like), while being socialist in other areas - referring to this as meta-centrism. In my country, when one says the government should stay out of our private lives, they're branded as liberals, and when they declare the government should intervene on the economic side of things, in order to make the system more fair for everyone, once again, they're labeled as liberals. So, at least in the U.S., Matt's "meta-centrism" would be viewed as being stationed somewhere between "liberal" and "liberal." ...and yes, I'm perfectly fine with that (I'm the same way), but just found it funny. lol.

    As a side-note, since Matt has explicitly stated what the intent/message is of the album, I'll now be curious to see, upon its release, if there are any lazy critics who ignore said explanations and, in their reviews, falsely claim that "Will of the People" is an anti-vaxxer, pro-insurrection, right-wing paradise.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Clunge said:

    Take A Bow ninth and AP eighth? Get out.

    I prefer WOTP to Uprising, Supremacy and Algorithm, for sure.

    lol, yep. Great tracks, but definitely my least favorite of the 9. I probably would have ranked "Uprising" at the bottom a few years ago, due to it getting overplayed to death, but it's grown on me again. I love "Algorithm," though. It's my favorite song off "Simulation Theory" by a fairly substantial margin.

  18. I'll take it upon myself to be the outcast. I love "Will of the People" and think it's far from the worst opening track in the band's catalog (I actually love all 9 opening tracks). Here's how the outcast would rank them, in descending order:

    9. Take a Bow

    8. Apocalypse Please

    7. Supremacy

    6. Uprising

    5. Sunburn

    4. Dead Inside

    3. Will of the People

    2. Algorithm

    1. New Born

  19. 20 hours ago, That Little Animal said:

    It's their worst opener for sure, bumping Supremacy off that spot.

    I'm very curious how they justify the Will of the People chant's similarity to the beautiful people. It's not possible not a single band member or person involved in creating the album didn't notice the similarity. So either they asked permission, they consulted a music lawyer to make sure it was different enough, or they're gambling that they'll get away with it. It seems that about a fourth of the FB comments under the post with the song's video are jokes about copyright infringement. 

    We all know Muse likes to "borrow", so this is nothing new. But jeeeezz has their source of 'inspiration' taken a dive with Manson. Rachmaninoff, Bach, Tchaikovski, RaTM, John Williams, Vangelis, Marilyn Manson. 

    Speaking of borrowing, I just watched Squid Game for the first time and now I know where the WoTP mask and outfit inspiration came from. Though interestingly in that show it's the elites in power who mask up, not the oppressed.

    I don't know. I think a decent percentage of the public has long viewed Marilyn Manson as style over substance, but the guy has been cranking out records for 30 years. It takes a lot more than simply shock appeal to last three decades in the music industry. In my opinion, his stage persona has long overshadowed his musical ability, and he's been extremely underrated as a musician as a result. Not only that, but assuming "The Beautiful People" was a key influence for "Will of the People," it wouldn't be the first time it sounded as though Muse was inspired musically by Manson.

  20. 50 minutes ago, That Little Animal said:

    It’s funny how many people in America are unaware that online misinformation is a powerful tool parties in power use to alter your perception of reality. The baffling short-sightedness of then only labeling the effort to curb such misinformation as Orwellian is beyond me. 

    Yep, well put. This seemingly "post-truth" nonsense drives me nuts (more so than usual).

    Side-notes: Matt Bellamy wasn't Team Insurrection; he was just the opposite:

    Tweeted by him on 1/6/2021: "Section 4 please https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendment/amendment-xxv"

    I also think some people are reading too much into "Ministry of Truth." Chances are it has everything to do with Orwell/authoritarian governments in a fictional place, and nothing to do with the Biden administration.

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  21. 52 minutes ago, Bohemian-Cygnus-Running-Out said:

    There’s the possibility that Matt’s in a “songwriting slump,” but when I pair that with the reality of how much I love Compliance, Something Human, Break It To Me, and most everything on Drones, I just don’t agree! He just doesn’t write much like he did when he was 19-20 something, and why should he? He’s like pushing 50 now? He’s got a child who’s well out of diapers, he’s rich and lives in Hollywood. The days of Rocket Baby Dolls are passed. Matt has a much different lifestyle now and it would seem to be the one he prefers. I’m just here for the music man. Muse rarely let me down, and even when they do they come back and surprise me with something as great as The Void.

    Exactly! Now, personally, I rank "Black Holes and Revelations" first, "Origin of Symmetry" second, "Absolution" third, and "Showbiz" fourth in their discography, so yes, I like the first half of their catalog more than the back half thus far. Having said that, though, I've enjoyed all their albums. I think one reason for that is I've learned not to go into a new Muse album with any expectations. That's half the fun of it, in my opinion. I'm personally not at all a fan of "Break It To Me," but I respect the experimentation, and would be lying if I said, "Yeah, I was expecting a song like that on 'Simulation Theory.'" That's the thing about Muse - they tackle so many genres, they've kind of become a genre of their own, and while due to this wide range of sounds it opens up the possibility of any random person enjoying at least one track or another of theirs, it also increases the odds of said individual disliking a song or album of theirs. Whenever I read YouTube comments on a new Muse song, like "Compliance" for example, I can all but guarantee there will be at least a handful of people who write something along the lines, "You're telling me this is the same band that did 'Knights of Cydonia'/'Uprising'/'The Handler'?" Exactly. That's one thing I love about the band. Love or loathe any of the mentioned songs, what other band do you know who possesses a collection of diverse songs like these in their catalog?: "Stockholm Syndrome," "Break It to Me," "Unsustainable"/"Isolated System," "Exogenesis," "Supermassive Black Hole," "Citizen Erased," "Resistance," "Map of the Problematique," "City of Delusion," "Dead Inside," "Madness," "Undisclosed Desires," "Knights of Cydonia," "Space Dementia," "Dig Down" (gospel rendition), "Con-Science," "Micro Cuts," "Propaganda," "The Globalist," "Follow Me," "Hoodoo," "Butterflies & Hurricanes," "Hyper Music," "Screenager," "Compliance," "Uno," "Won't Stand Down," "Take a Bow," "Unintended," "Dead Star," "Blackout," etc. To each their own, but I now go into every Muse album the same way - zero expectations, and no matter what my initial impression of it may be, I wind up loving it. If I want to find a contemporary band/album with a similar rawness and angst as Muse's early efforts, I'll happily look elsewhere, but I don't think it'd be fair nor realistic for me to expect Matt, Chris, and Dom to crank out similar albums in sound or tone as they did 20 years ago, since their lives have completely changed since then (and understandably so). Every Muse album is a completely new experience/journey for me, and like with the 8 before it, I very much look forward to the ride for their 9th release, "Will of the People."

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