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E sad…..s obzirom da ovi sa supporta ne odgovaraju (bar meni) na ni jedno pitanje, jel ima tko prethodna iskustva sa online narudžbama (ne nužno ovdje).


Kako to bude isporučeno? Kojom poštom mislim!


Strandardni HP ili neki drugi dostavljači tipa Overseas Express i sl.!??


Šljakam, pa je malo vjerovatno da me dostavljač bude doma našao, pa da znam kak to ide!


@Mallister: Novi članovi! :D Welcome!


Album će izdavat Dancing Bear.


EDIT: NE znam dal sam ovdje pisao, dobio sam prije nekog vremena potvrdu od DB da će u prodaji bit i box, ali naravno bez onog dodatnog audio dvd-a! Pa tko voli nek izvoli! :D

Edited by MUSEfan81
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Muse - Unnatural Selection @ The Den, Teignmouth

pogledajte ostale pjesme...


moram pohvalit doma...lik sve vise i vise ubija bubanj



bajdvej ak netko hoce te 2 pjesme na mp3u sam recite :D

bajdvej2 moram pohvalit unnatural svida mi se preuber mi je pogotovo onaj dio kad lupa po fusu i onda se ukljuci sa basom pa onda uleti matt joj e...

Edited by ZelenaBanana
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Muse - Unnatural Selection @ The Den, Teignmouth

pogledajte ostale pjesme...


moram pohvalit doma...lik sve vise i vise ubija bubanj



bajdvej ak netko hoce te 2 pjesme na mp3u sam recite :D




konačno čujemo nešto sa novog albuma...

Marko, koje dvije pjesme, Unnatural selection i ???


ja hoću naravno :)

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Hmmm....zašto si editirao poruku!?

Što si mislio pod onim Resistance je u mp3-u!? (zaboravio si na instan message report :D)


ma naso sam resistance na ytu al je kvaliteta malo u banani kad sam posluso u ajtunsu :p

al ak netko hoce uploadam pjesmu


zajeb :D ok je kvaliteta krivo sam odabro kad sam obradival u mp3 :p oce tko ?

Edited by ZelenaBanana
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Undisclosed Desires


I know you suffered

But I don't want you to hide

It's cold and loveless

I won't let you be denied


Soothe me

I'll make you feel pure

Trust me

You can be sure


I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart


You take your lovers that you're wicked and divine

You may be a sinner

But your innocence is mine


Please me

Show me how it's done

Tease me

You are the one


I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart


Please me

Show me how it's done

Trust me

You are the one


I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

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Is our secret safe tonight?

And are we out of sight?

Or will our world come crumbling down?

Will they find our hiding place?

Is this our last embrace?

Or will the walls start caving in?


It could be wrong, could be wrong,

But it should've been right,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

To let our hearts ignite,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

Are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

This is outta control,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

It could never last,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

Must erase it fast,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

But it should've been right,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,


Love is our resistance,

They'll keep us apart and it won't stop breaking us down.

Hold me,

Our lips must always be sealed.


If we live our life in fear,

I'll wait a thousand years,

Just to see you smile again.

Calm your prayers for love and peace,

You'll wake the Thought Police,

We can hide the truth inside.


It could be wrong, could be wrong,

But it should've been right,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

To let our hearts ignite,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

Are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

This is outta control,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

It could never last,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

Must erase it fast,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,

But it should've been right,

It could be wrong, could be wrong,


Love is our resistance,

They'll keep us apart and it won't stop breaking us down.

Hold me,

Our lips must always be sealed.


And our dream has reached its end,

We can't pretend,

We must elope,

We must elope,

We must elope,


Take us away from here,

Protect us from the harm


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unnatural selection


They laugh as they watch us fall

Lucky they don't care at all

No chance for fate

It's Unnatural Selection

I want the truth!


I'm hungry for some unrest

I'm gonna push it beyond peaceful protest

I wanna speak in a language they will understand


Dedication to a new age

This is the era of destruction and rampage

Another chance to raise a little ??? again


Can't you ??? commotion

We're not droplets in the ocean



They laugh as they watch us fall

Lucky they don't care at all

No chance for fate

It's Unnatural Selection

I want the truth!


No illusion ??? powers

??? that they will find us

Just make sure you are looking out for number one


I'm hungry for some unrest

I'm gonna push it beyond peaceful protest

I wanna speak in a language they will understand


Can't you ??? commotion

We're not droplets in the ocean



They laugh as they watch us crawl

Lucky they don't care at all

No home for fate

It's Unnatural Selection

I want the truth!


Try to ride out the storm,

Whilst they'll still make you believe

They are the special ones

We have not been chosen


Leave ??? [easier to run?]

You won't be afraid,



Can't you ??? commotion

We're not droplets in the ocean

ocean, ocean!


They laugh as they watch us fall

Lucky they don't care at all

No chance for fate,

It's unnatural selection,

I want the truth, I want the truth,

I want the truth! I want the truth!

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