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konačno, ofišl potvrdaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Following Muse's 2 nights at the new Wembley Stadium last summer, the band are delighted to announce that they will be releasing a CD / DVD package documenting the weekend. Released on 17 March, it will contain an audio CD from the Saturday night and a DVD with footage from the Sunday night. More information will come very soon!


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zašto ti je čudno?? :)

već je imao takve nominacije prije...


mene veseli to šta se u zadnje vrijeme stalno priča o novom albumeku :D


Muse will be on the February issue of Rock Sound. The caption suggests we will learn some news about their upcoming album




Pa nekako...po cemu bi on mogao biti heroj...Ma smijesne su mi te nominacije :D


Mene najvise veseli DVD koji ce izaci u 3.mjesecu *hops sround* :happy::happy::happy:

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Dom was on the phone to Zane Lowe last night, and had this to say about the HAARP DVD, and the Wembley weekend.



Zane Lowe: On the 17th March, Muse release a DVD/CD of their fantastic weekend at Wembley stadium in the summer of 2007, and right now, to tell us about that release, we have Dom. Hello Dom.


Dom: Hello there!


Z: How's things?


D: Great, how are you?


Z: Yeah, I'm doing very good indeed. Let's take you back to those... amazing Saturday and Sunday shows at Wembley Stadium. I was lucky enough to be there, I had a great time, and so did 150,000 fans and yourselves. Do you have any long lasting memories of the gig?


D: We have many fond memories. It was such a... overwhelming, surreal experience. The crowd were just so unbelievable, they really made it for us... an electric experience in the stadium.


Z: How many months went into organising... in hindsight, was it a considerable amount of effort?


D: Er, yeah, a good five, six months actually.For that kind of thing, you just gotta go for it, and push it as far as possible. So we just put as much as we could in really, but it was uhh.. it was great.


Z: I mean you guys consistently pick up... numerous awards for best live act, in terms of looking...into the future, is it something you can see yourselves consistently doing as you release more albums, to continue documenting yourselves live, or do you think this is gonna be the definitive testament for you guys?


D: We kinda always feel like... the set and the way we play the songs change so drastically, from when we first played out the album, it's always nice to...capture that. I think we'll always do it, it's something we all enjoy doing, and it's something we evolve so naturally.


Z: Listen, thank you so much, personally, for being a part of a great weekend man, it was awesome, and I know that everybody that was there will be out of the 17th March picking this up on DVD and CD, and thousands of people who didn't get a chance to go aswell. [...] And... Dom, you know, we might see you performing live again up on stage some point this year? No details yet, but fingers crossed.


D: Yeah! We will be.

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The release features a DVD focusing on the band's second night at the stadium, which took place on June 17, while the CD was recorded on the opening night, on June 16.


The DVD extras of 'HAARP' will also include behind the scenes footage and a photo gallery.


The tracklisting of the DVD is:


'Knights Of Cydonia'


'Supermassive Black Hole'

'Map Of The Problematique'

'Butterflies And Hurricanes'


'Apocalypse Please'

'Feeling Good'



'Time Is Running Out'

'New Born'

'Soldier's Poem'



'Plug In Baby'

'Stockholm Syndrome'

'Take A Bow'


The tracklisting of the CD is:


'Knights Of Cydonia'


'Supermassive Black Hole'

'Map Of The Problematique'




'Time Is Running Out'

'New Born'



'Stockholm Syndrome'

'Take A Bow'


ja bi microcuts video....

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O Slovenijo!!!!!!!! Veliki kiss susjedo najdraža :happy::happy::D


:LOL: Hvala ti srce!! *pusa* Ljepo to čuti, vjerovatno si u ovima vremenima jedna od rijetkih koja si misli "susjedo najdražja" :LOL: :LOL:

:wtf: No, zavisno od interpretacije :LOL: Ali nečemo o politiki :D


Idemo na heroje :D Ja bi ipak dala Thoma Yorka, zbog lansiranja "In Rainbows" preko interneta i da svaki plati koliko hoče (ako hoče).

Pa odmah za njim je Matt (više Muse sa C. i D. nego Matt sam) jer je stvarno nešto napuniti Wembley sa 150 000 ljudima!


Ljep pozdrav iz proljetne (stvarno, ove temperature više nisu normalne) Slovenije :D

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Ljep pozdrav iz proljetne (stvarno, ove temperature više nisu normalne) Slovenije :D


ahahhahahaahah, kako zakon sLOVEnija, opće to nisam prije primjetila..

eva ja konačno imam dan off, jučer je bio ispit i sad čekam dal ću proći, pa usmeni onda...ali tako mi je lijepo...ne moram učit ništa...osim ponovit za eventualni ispit, ali nije biiiitno :D

i još k tome vani je suuunčeko :p


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:LOL: Hvala ti srce!! *pusa* Ljepo to čuti, vjerovatno si u ovima vremenima jedna od rijetkih koja si misli "susjedo najdražja" :LOL: :LOL:

:wtf: No, zavisno od interpretacije Ali nečemo o politiki


Idemo na heroje :D Ja bi ipak dala Thoma Yorka, zbog lansiranja "In Rainbows" preko interneta i da svaki plati koliko hoče (ako hoče).

Pa odmah za njim je Matt (više Muse sa C. i D. nego Matt sam) jer je stvarno nešto napuniti Wembley sa 150 000 ljudima!


Ljep pozdrav iz proljetne (stvarno, ove temperature više nisu normalne) Slovenije :


Jao jao nemoj me samo politike :mad::mad:

Meni je jako draga Slovenija! :D *hugs you*


Ma meni je svjedno ko ce biti heroj :LOL:


Pusaaaaaaaa draga!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

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A joj ne mogu to gledati :(


Ja bi ga odmah naručila, ali me strah... Jeli ovo provjerena stranica preko koje je sigurno kupovati online?


pa ja ne znam nikoga tko je naručivao preko toga..ja sam mislila da odem u koji shop ovdje i naručim si dvd...pa se nadam da nebude dolazio 100god...

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Muse have revealed the new artwork for their live at Wembley CD and DVD 'HAARP'. Both of the bands mega-gigs from june 2007 are being released on March 17th - the first night on CD, the second on DVD - and having spent the last few weeks wading through footage, the trio admit they've been reliving the show recently.


"It was the first time I'd ever gone out onstage and felt like I almost could have cried," explained bassist Chris Wolstenholme, fresh from the editing suite. "It was definitely the most overwhelmed I ever felt during a gig. When we first came out and walked onstage it was a struggle to keep it together. It's just one of those things you think, 'Well, we may never do this again.' I hope we do, but you never know - it was just brilliant."


Watching the show back has reminded Muse that, despite the eventual triumph last summer, the build-up was one of the most nerve-wracking of their lives.


"I was shitting myself," admitted Wolstenholme. "You always get nervous before gigs, but this was something else. It wasn't even just the 15 minutes before, it was the whole week before - even beyond that. The gig had been booked probably nine months before we actually did it, but i remember the week beforehand in particular was really stressful."


Chris in this Week's NME

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helou, evo ja sam kontaktirala sa ljubaznim Markom iz dancig beara :)...i njihova kuća će izdati muse dvd i može se naručiti kod njih...tako da dođe brže, reko je da dođem početkom 3.mj kod njih naručit jer da je sad još prerano...


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helou, evo ja sam kontaktirala sa ljubaznim Markom iz dancig beara :)...i njihova kuća će izdati muse dvd i može se naručiti kod njih...tako da dođe brže, reko je da dođem početkom 3.mj kod njih naručit jer da je sad još prerano...



Hvala za informaciju draga Pima! ;)

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On Ben Jones' radio show this evening, Matt announced (more like admitted) that Muse will be playing the Teenage Cancer Trust Charity Gala Night at the Albert Hall, London this April.


In recent years, performers at the concert have included Bloc Party and The Cure.


On a slightly less exciting note, Matt Bellamy let us know that Muse will NOT be doing the next James Bond Theme.


šteta...a čak i najava za bonda je onako siva sa sjenom...podsjeća na absolution...

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