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Posts posted by DeadInside2001

  1. Darkshines - there was a time this was one of my absolute faves and, y’know what, it’s fucking up there again. Love that sci-fi synth in the background of the chorus adding to that almost alien vibe of the solos/bridges. Also used to hate spelling it as one word but find something aesthetically pleasing about doing it now.


    Sober - apart from the chorus, this is an absolute banger and I refuse to hear otherwise. Impossible to resist getting a jig on for the beat and riff and Matt’s vocal melody and inflections in certain places (“Arbourler, Jameson, I love you” + that old “Only h*pop*atred remains” live change) is fun to sing along to. Everything Matt does with his old synth pedal is great as well.


    Falling Down - such a unique song in their discog imo, and maybe one of my favourite choruses. Love the climbing chords, each one is super satisfying for some reason. “Too late, I already found what I was looking for and it wasn’t you” is a pretty short phrase for a relatively long, slow chord progression but that just makes it super effective imo.


    Shine (Acoustic) - how was such a gorgeous song wasted as a b-side? I get that it didn’t really fit on Origin but fuck me. The melody and lyrics are super sweet already but the rain and warbling synths push it over the edge.


    Glorious - thanks to that xmas pressie <3 that cascade of looped guitars...lyrics are some of Matt’s few that actually touch me as well.


    City Of Delusion - vocals? amazing. bass? unf. DRUMS, esp. in the chorus? fucking urgggh. Strings? stupidly good. Trumpet solo? perfect. Why the fuck didn’t y’all vote this in for SBE?

    glad to see showbiz getting some love, I think the band and the public overlooks that album is it is the one that gave them their true sound. And shine? I didn't even know it existed thank you so much now i finally have one more Muse song to discover after listening to everyone of their song god knows how many times. Personally, i think heaps of the 2nd law is heavily underrated but right now im listening to Big Freeze

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