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Posts posted by exogenes1s

  1. im so excited for the concert tomorrow!! its my first muse concert and first concert having GA tickets (besides for an extremely small concert of 50 people).


    i wont be able to get there until like 5pm though i hope thats early enough for me to try and squeeze into the barricade. im small and fast so hey maybe i have a chance.


    what time do people usually start lining up for the concert?

  2. as much as i love drones, if exogenesis symphony was expanded and made into a concept album it would have been way better. i love the story behind that song and the sound of it. it has everything i love in a muse song.


    but as for genres, more of the spacey and symphonic rock stuff. more piano. but also more stuff like reapers oh man that song just gets me going. its such a good song to jam out to.


    and for fun, they should totally try vaporwave or future funk. imagine that.

  3. i agree and disagree with everything thats posted here. basically i think matt has the talent to write really good, nuanced lyrics but also write simple stuff thats delivered in a fantastic way. as simple as the lyrics on drones may seem, there are actually some great references in them (from the top of my head: trance formation of america, the reaper drone, the hellfire missile, yellow belly, green mind, blue blood, the reversed phrases in the globalist, follow the yellow brick road at the end of reapers). along with this the message/story of drones is a lot deeper and complex than it lets on to be on the first few listens. this much is obvious in hearing them talk about it in interviews and reading about all these references. sure the lyrics could be better, more poetic i guess, but to me they do their job well. especially when the instrumentation on this album is so great.


    but really, the reason i think you dont get the same kind of lyrics and content as from the older albums is simply because theyre not teenagers/young adults anymore who deal with the angsty feelings they used to sing about. theyve matured and moved past that stuff. thats basically talking for the first 2 albums but its well known that quality comes from hardship. the last 2 albums have had a more mature feel to them. everything matt writes about is relevant to whats on his mind at the moment. ill admit it, some of the songs in t2l sounded cheesy but that was mostly the stuff about love and being a parent (follow me) and in my mind that stuff is just naturally cheesy.


    its like 4am and im losing my train of thought so maybe that didnt make much sense lol but basically i feel like the lyrics reflect different stages matt has been through and mindsets. its obvious that hes really passionate about what he writes about and is pretty well versed in those topics, which is seen through the emotion he delivers the lyrics with the and references in them.


    but at the end of the day i think we should just think about this quote from matt "the lyrics give meaning to what the music is already saying"

  4. ive had a bunch of muse dreams. 2 where i was at some really small concerts and it was rad but thats pretty much all i remember from those. the next dreams get increasingly weird.


    so one of them i was in this big auditorium?? there was a bunch of people there and chris was on the side of the stage. and then he decided to invite people to play the piano (or other instruments) that were up there. he called me up first and i was like alright alright im gonna play sunburn (i was learning how to play it in real life at the time of the dream). and i did and it was awesome and then chris gave me 20 dollars??? and i was like wtf bro why are you giving me money and he was just like you did really well good job etc etc and i was confused.


    the next dream i was at my old neighborhood and it was really dark out and there were babies?? sleeping on my front lawn???? and it was so dark it was hard to see them so i was concerned. and then dom appeared in front of the house across from mine and i got excited and ran up to him like yooooooo hey dom can i get a picture with you? but he didnt even see me and then these two guys like literally dragged him off into the dark and i was like uh. alright then.


    and then the WEIRDEST dream was. i was matt. i was matt but i didnt even realize it. we were getting ready for a gig?? and i put on one of his really sparkly outfits and looked in the mirror and thought i looked really cool. then i went down these stairs and dom and chris were waiting and i was like wtf wheres matt????? because i didnt realize that i was matt and it was very weird and dom and chris looked concerned.

  5. when i was younger me and my brother and dad played a lot of guitar hero. i remember assassin was the only song my brother couldnt beat on expert on the guitar (however i can beat it on expert singing). i wish i had gotten into muse at that age but it took up until before t2l was released for me to get into them.


    i was watching a radio show and they played time is running out. i had known a bit about muse before this since the radio show hosts love muse a lot. but hearing tiro really just did it for me.


    then it came to a really dark time in my life while my parents were getting divorced and i just submerged myself in muse. i remember listening to showbiz and the resistance a lot for some reason and then t2l when it came out (i actually like this album okay). i think it was because i related to a lot of songs on showbiz (*cough cough* escape) and i liked the classical influences on the resistance.


    and now its 2015 and ive completely immersed myself in muse again. drones is pretty great. i recently listened to showbiz all the way through again and cried from thinking about all the memories. definitely my favorite muse album for that reason.

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