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Posts posted by algomo

  1. Dead Inside: One of the best songs on the album. The vocal melodies, particular in the last chorus, are amazing. While the lyrics are pretty bad, the lyrical content still speaks to me. I pleasantly surprised that Matt could still write a song that is actually relateable on a personal level after the banker and Illuminati bullshit on TR and T2L.


    Psycho: While the riff is good and all, the song is dragged down by too many repetitions. It’s about two minutes too long and suffers greatly because of it. I’m sure it’s cool live, but even then I’ll probably get bored with it after the 128137th repetition of the riff.


    Mercy: Completely forgettable Starlight knock-off. Not a bad song at all, but not really good either.


    Reapers: Overrated by most boardies. That said, it’s a good song and as it turns out, one of the strongest on the album.


    The Handler: This one took me by surprise. I was excited to find out that Matt/Muse can still write a dark and broody song without making it lame. This is also the only song on the album that actually sounds like a mix between Absolution and BHAR. Sinister, melodic, heavy and epic. While the solo is too long, it doesn’t really bother me in the context of the rest of the song. By far the best song on the album.


    Defector: I don’t even know. I don’t think I really have an opinion on this song. Standard Queen nonsense. It definitely sounds like it could have come straight from Showbiz, but even then it would be one of the most forgettable songs on that album.


    Revolt: This cancerous piece of vomit-inducing shit is just baffling to me. Why Muse? Just…why? I never thought they could write a song worse than Big Freeze, but here comes Revolt to prove me wrong. This is without a doubt my closest experience to an aural holocaust. Literally everything about this song is shit. There is not a single redeeming factor to be found here. I would be ashamed to introduce this to my fans.


    Aftermath: One of the weirder tracks on the album. It starts off alright, but drags on too long and eventually becomes too much of a ”Heal the World”-singalong. Hell, if it wasn’t for Matt singing I’d never even guess this was a Muse song.


    The Globalist: While I was very reserved about this song and kept my expectations as low as possible, this song actually pisses me off to no end. What we have is a stylish western opening into some beautiful vocal melodies, which leads into the heaviest thing Muse have ever recorded. The heavy part of this song is goddamn gigantic. Unfortunately, the best part of the song is abruptly cut off after a short two minutes to make way for a boring tag-team repeat of Explorers and United States of Eurasia. Honestly Muse, what is wrong with you? This song would have been fucking legendary if you had developed the heavy part into another two minutes, finished on something big and skipped the piano ballad. The 10-minute ”prog nightmare” just turned into a three and a half minute normal nightmare instead. Even aside from that, the transitions make no goddamn sense whatsoever and all it sounds like is a disjointed piece of shit. I cannot wrap my head around how you fucked up something so brilliant.


    Drones: The worst closer of any Muse album. You have to be a truly pretentious fuck (or JJTheMuse) to think that this a) makes sense and b) is a good idea for a rock album. This is just Matt being really bored in the studio.




    The first half of the album (including The Handler) is without a doubt the strongest. The second half falls short in almost way, introducing us to the new worst Muse song of all time (Revolt), while also destroying what could have potentially been one of the best Muse songs (The Globalist). The second half is where the album loses every bit of focus and just sounds like another ”hey let’s do everything we can think of”-experiment like TR and T2L. The second half ruins what could have been the best album since BHAR.


    "My closest experience to an aural holocaust"


    I laughted so hard with this.

  2. Dead Inside: It grew on me, but i give it that score because the first listen of it is one of the most terrible experiences i ever experienced listening to a song = 6/10


    Psycho: The riff is good but is way too long and the "Your ass belongs to me now" line is awful. Is great live though = 6.5/10


    Mercy: I quite like it, isn't extraordinary but is ok = 7/10


    Reapers: Pretty good, love the main riff = 8/10


    The Handler: The best song on the album for me and one of the best songs Muse has ever done, the vocals and the bass are extraordinary. The solo is too long though = 9/10


    JFK: Perfectly builds up to Defector.


    Defector: Love it, even if it is repetitive and the vocals are not the best, there's something i like about it = 8/10


    Revolt: It's Muse just taking the piss, it's so bad it gets to the hilarious territory = 4/10


    Aftermath: Gorgeous, the ending ruins it a bit, but i like it 8/10


    The Globalist: Dissapointed me, the parts flow so bad together, specially the transition from the metal riff to the piano part, sounds like some kind of fade out of two songs that went wrong. It's a good song but the hype killed it = 7/10


    Drones: As a song by itself doesn't do it for me, but as the epilogue of the album works well = 7/10


    Final note: 7/10

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