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Posts posted by end1essly

  1. Could some kind soul set up some permanent online chatroom for .mu board members to chat with each other instead of refreshing the same page over and over for news? The reddit page has one but nobody uses it and when people do it makes me cry bc it's terrible. :$


    Could always set up a chatzy, or the like? Then you could password protect it, protect against spam, and such.

  2. "Kueller the killer is the drone operator... bad to the bone is how you make a drone, free your home, lock your mind... it's killing time."


    how'd I do??? am I Matt yet



    This is beautiful.

  3. At this time, we have to take everything with a pinch of salt. Otherwise our hopes on it will probably be a crazy rollercoaster the next two weeks



    Same, same. I'm already in love with Dead Inside and on the edge of my seat for the studio version of Reapers, so I'm not going to write anything off until the physical copy is in my hands (or, well. on spotify, anyway.)

  4. I always felt like an awful Muse fan for having an ardent hatred for Starlight, but Mercy is like... everything redeemable about Starlight except better :LOL:

  5. I'm from Oregon so a little rain won't deter me!


    Same, same. Sometimes I forget that rain is a deterrent/nuisance for some people ;)


    Also, now that I have the flu, it's safe to say that I won't be going to this gig :( I am THRILLED to see what y'all get setlist-wise, though :D

  6. Aww. :happy: Did you ever find a ticket for your friend? You'll still go, right?


    i haven't - the cheapest i've found is $500 for a single, and i wish i could throw around that kind of money :( it's all good, though; i'm glad Matt confirmed they'll be touring the States come winter!

  7. Let's make it happen! Trend #ComaForCali along with other general Muse at The Mayan tags and I'm sure if they take notice of a song that old in a tag they might laugh and give it a go! :LOL::D


    Done! I'll spam it a couple more times for y'all over the next few days.

  8. Any chances they might play Mercy for us? Our gig is only 2 weeks out from an official stream (probably) so it kinda would make sense.


    Perhaps? I'm thinking the setlist may be extremely similar to NYC? (Not that I'm complaining or anything. APOCALYPSE PLEASE. BLISSSSSSSSS.)

  9. Oh shit, I think I remember talking to you for a brief moment LOL. I asked "how long you guys been here?" and I remember hearing "ALL NIGHT". This was in front of that fence before they moved us to line up for bag checking


    :D we were really, really, really dumb. As soon as Tom tweeted about soundcheck, we headed over to the venue and camped down for the night. Tenth and Eleventh in line, but super dumb, haha.


    I expect with how Webster's queueing went down, there'll be some overnighters at the Mayan as well.

  10. Well to be honest, I would only be waltzing in because i probably be pre gaming at the nearest bar and not dinner! Annnnd, these days at Muse shows in LA its only easy for me to get a good view because of all these high school teens only knowing the songs that are played on KROQ!


    Off topic a bit, does anyone know of an opening band or?


    It's Plague Vendor! Not really my kind of thing, but anything's better than that one time Passion Pit opened for them...

  11. Reading the Webster thread and someone mentioned 30+ people in line already. :eek:

    Wonder if you crazy LA people will be doing that....


    Anyone know if the Mayan will still have their regular club nights after the show? Just curious because I'm looking for places to park and I can buy a parking pass online and was wondering how long to book the space for.


    I queued overnight to get barrier for L.A. Rising and just... that was the most hardcore thing I've ever done. I mean, it was worth it, but queueing for that long is BRUTAL.

  12. So I have the following for attending the show:


    - Corkscrewed + 3 (that's me, of course)

    - killermojo + 1

    - JessicaSarahS + 1

    - MuseGal + 1

    - plastic passion + 1

    - Wicked And Divine + 3


    - end1essly (?)


    Everyone is a +1 unless explicitly stated.


    I have work that day and won't get out of that till early afternoon, so my plan is to get there mid-afternoon (2 or 3?) and queue up. Would definitely love to meet any of you in line. :) I want to be as close as possible but know I won't be there early enough for railing. Fortunately, since it's a small venue, any spot will still be good. But I'm still going to angle for as close as possible! :D


    Oh, that question mark hurts me inside :( Trying my best to find a second ticket!

  13. someone on the reddit board posted this. Muse : Live From The Mayan Coming to DIRECTV



    In 4k. I definitely don't want front row now. My face in 4k. nooo.

    I wonder if this will make things more strict. No cameras etc.


    This actually makes me feel better about things. After reallyyyyy considering everything, I don't think it's economically or personally viable for me to go to this show alone :/ Now, if by some miracle I can stumble upon someone (and i swear, i think i've tried EVERYWHERE) offering a second ticket for less than $500, things will be different, but...


    Hope y'all have a great time, though! :D I'll be haunting the setlist; hope they play lots of 'Absolution oldies', haha.


    (*whispers* wish i could give one of you my unused ticket, too :c)

  14. How nice of you!

    I mostly get barrier because no one is directly in front of me and makes me feel less claustrophobic


    Agreed. It's hard not to get claustrophobic when people are squeezing you against a metal barrier, but at least there's lots of fresh air on the other side XD I always like meeting the security fellows, as well.

  15. Ehh I've never been a "I must get a rail spot" type, I'm usually that tall guy that stands in the back sipping on some whiskey because I feel bad when shorter people behind me don't have a good view


    As a member of the "impossibly short" population, i salute you for being a considerate human being <3

  16. haha i deleted my post because it sounded kind of bitchy and I didn't mean to.

    I hate being short so I NEVER wear flats. So when you see a woman walk up in wedges it will be me.

    Yes we can party it up in line!! So excited!


    I agree with MuseGal; impressive! I'm too worried about accidentally losing a toenail in the pit XD


    & i plan on queueing as early as they will possibly allow me >.>

  17. UGH I forgot about that hill :facepalm:

    That hill is terrible.


    So I might, MIGHT have an extra ticket to the Mayan, my friend doesn't know if she can get work off that day. I'll let you all know if she can't :)



    I'm fairly certain you are the most popular person amongst Californian Muse fans at the moment :D (*whispers* i am also interested in this ticket.)

  18. I get travel anxiety every time I go somewhere, even if I'm not alone. Don't let it make your decision for you.


    I've driven 20+ hours to gigs and non-music events dozens and dozens of times in my 20s, by myself, and often didn't even meet up with people there (although, tbf, sometimes I was working) and I've had great times.


    Just do some pre-planning and research, don't leave figuring out how you're going to get to the venue to chance, for example, keep yourself safe, and it's great.


    Well, goodness. Y'all are so supportive and encouraging! :D I think I might just take the plunge and start shopping for plane tickets when I get home this evening, then. I suppose I could always get a taxi back from the venue afterwards (The usual young and female curse. I've been harassed walking home from a show at night before and would rather not repeat that experience...).


    I'm curious about how early to queue for barrier, as well - apparently The Mayan's office hours open at 10am, so maybe start queuing at nine? Suppose there's no way out of socializing with others, then... >.>

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