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Posts posted by TheLionSlicer

  1. I haven't listened to Drones in a few months but god damn. This album is a complete mess. Even Reapers and The Handler seemed boring to me and the lyrics were just terrible. I couldn't believe how bored I was during what was supposed to be their exciting rock album. Outside of Dead Inside, which I still quite like, I hated just about every second of this album. I really never thought they could get worse than T2L but I at least like more than one song on that album.

    I think more than anything I was shocked by how much I used to like the album. I knew it had faults then but I think I was a little blind to how bad it was. Just...what the fuck?

  2. [Drill Sergent]


    Dead Inside

    Bliss/Plug In Baby

    Supermassive Black Hole

    Map of the Problematique

    Isolated System

    The Handler

    [Any Rarity]

    Apocalypse Please/Eurasia

    Sunburn/Ruled by Secrecy

    New Born/Unnatural Selection





    [Any Rarity]

    Stockholm Syndrome

    The Globalist






    Rarities Rotating: B&H, CE, Assassin, Showbiz, MK Ultra, Animals, Micro Cuts, Sing for Absolution and any others people want to see

  3. The band seems to keep their promises... The Small Print was apparently soundchecked, as they have said in September : TSP, Fury and Map for the Drones tour in Europe. So The Small Print, SFA, Assassin and Take a Bow, it seems to become better and better. Shame it wasn't done before, but better late than never ! :-)


    But a gig with TSP and Assassin would be so heavy!!


    Holy shit TSP? I don't remember that being mentioned but that song is massive live! I'd love to see it

  4. I kinda like that Muse opens shows with a new album track every time and I kinda wish they did it with closers. Reapers would be a fantastic encore closer and I think US would've worked during TR tour. I definitely liked Survival during T2L.

  5. Hysteria was cut Night 2 + 3 so I can definitely see that happening tbh. Maybe being a bit hopeful thinking it'll be for Assassin though :chuckle:


    Honestly not having both Assassin and Showbiz played will be really disappointing.

  6. Semi-prediction/prayers for tomorrow night:



    Dead Inside

    Plug In Baby

    The Handler


    Supermassive Black Hole


    Apocalypse Please / Sunburn


    Guiding Light

    JFK + Reapers

    Time Is Running Out



    The Globalist



    Knights Of Cydonia


    plsplsplsplspls (apart from guiding light)


    They probably won't cut Hysteria so maybe they keep PIB and remove GL? Hopefully?

  7. Unfortunately, I think we have been told, indirectly maybe, that these have nothing to do with the "concept" and simply exist because Mutt told them to extend sections/songs, add solos, etc.

    I'm not convinced Matt put that deep of thought into how things impacted the "concept."


    I agree that every one of those is an issue, and if it really was true that Matt added them upon request, I can't wish enough that he'd have had the fortitude to stand up for himself during the recording process, or at least was able to realize that the repetition was detrimental to the songs instead of being overwhelmed by someone telling him it was great.

    People really stand up for The Handler solo, because it's otherwise a pretty great song, and the solo "evolves into something cool" - but, it really doesn't. At all. After over a minute of the exact same thing, the song changes direction suddenly, not gradually, and it could have been executed exactly the same way, with better impact, if that solo was trimmed down a great deal.

    It makes a fantastic song often tiring to listen to, and actually detracts from the important impact of the ending because of the loss of focus.


    It was an unfortunate time for Matt to start taking someone's suggestions, imo.


    That was my first thought listening to both Psycho and The Handler. And considering Muse is pretty good about not being overly-repetitious, I think most of the extended sections were Mutt's ideas. That's why the album feels so short. It's around the same length as OoS but that one feels a lot longer because way more happens.

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