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Posts posted by SuperDrone

  1. Worked late, Just heard The Handler. Idk what everyone's so pumped about. I mean this is the best they've shown from Drones but this still shit. They totally ripped In Your World and the rest of the song sounded like Radiohead.

  2. What about when he said it was gonna sound like a mix of Absolution and BH&R.




    I don't think they've ever actually said that, though.


    Well months before that he was tweeting things like, "its gonna get heavy" while they were getting slotted to play Download fest next to Marilyn Manson...

  3. Well yeah of course you can say that originality etc are defining characteristics of Muse songs, but that's not what Chris was referring to when he said that they needed to make the songs sound like Muse, and it wasn't what I was talking about.



    Simply, these days Muse are either covering other bands and putting their own sound to it, or they're covering themselves and putting some fresh paint on it.


    I agree with that. I'm still waiting for the inevitable Radiohead track on Drones. Who wants to guess which it will be?

  4. Did you miss my point at the end?


    The problem is that defining characteristics only go so far. Eventually you run out of ways to live off of that sound, and then you can either change the sound, or make bland songs that sound like covers of their own songs. And I think Muse have run their course with the classic Muse sound, which is why it seems like Matt is running out of ideas by taking every single riff or intro they've played live and turning them into songs.


    I agree with this totally. But by defining characteristics I don't mean the obvious specific ones (synth arpeggios for example) I mean more vague ones (subtlety in lyrics, riffs that are original) not just "omg heavy riffs" Heavy riffs don't make a muse song if they don't sound inspired.

  5. But that's the thing. They start working on a song, then go "okay, how do we make this sound like...Muse?"


    If we're gonna do an analogy, it's like they have all these different shapes of different sizes, and then they cut off all the edges to make it fit into the Muse box. Now in some cases this means they take an obvious ripoff and somehow make it their own, but in other cases they take a great idea and make it into something less.



    I'd rather the songs sound signature Muse than like someone else that Muse is covering.


    I think this board knows enough about the good sides of Muse to decide what their defining characteristics are that make a quality Muse song. And alot of the new stuff doesn't have it. It's too straight forward.

  6. I think Muse are held back by their idea that all their songs have to sound stereotypically "Muse" (that's not an observation, it's basically what they've said), and I think it stops them from ever developing.



    Except on the various songs on the last 3 albums that are very much Muse doing tributes to other bands with Muse twist. I'd rather have a full Muse pop album than crap like Big Freeze being an obvious U2 tribute.

  7. Then maybe Muse should stop writing songs that sounds like them.


    Matt has talked a lot about how he never wants to repeat himself, but this is an obvious step back.


    Every new song has sounded like an old song except Reapers. So agree. And Psycho quite literally is old Muse riff + Uprising so it fails doubly.

  8. As for the alternating heaviness/softness, it wasn't quite that.


    He just said the album is a mixed bag of pop and rock. Which is the total fucking opposite of everything he had said from the past year up until Dead Inside launched and we called his bluff.

  9. Ah yes, the classic Radiohead tapping intro, one and a half minute solo and RATM-like outro with harsh distorted vocals.


    I know right. Greenwood ripoff for certain. Also the vocal distortion discussion...its clearly obvious in the second performance, first thing I noticed when it first got posted. And I found a high quality video of it. Not sure if anyone's posted it here or not?



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