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Posts posted by thisismichaelbull

  1. Yeah count yourself lucky you got tickets. I'm sure Ticketmaster phones will be ringing off the hook with the same problem you have, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


    I am a natural worrier! Ahhhh. But yeah if this gets sorted this morning I am gonna be sooooo excited. Plus having a new song released today too. Woop woop!


    I'm expecting some interesting setlists giving its a fairly small venue for them too.

  2. Contact ticketmaster, I'm sure some people have had this problem this morning and yesterday and were able to sort out their billing. I'm not 100% sure though.


    I do hope they can sort it out. I wanna be buzzing because I already have my ticket and my other friends. But I can enjoy the buzz and excitement until I sort out 2nd friends ticket.


    Ahhh stressful morning :p

  3. Got a big issue. My friend tried to buy her ticket this morning in general sale. She couldn't get her bank password working so she had to use my mums card.


    Only just found out they are paperless tickets.


    Anyone got any ideas on how to sort this out? It was ticketmaster the tickets were bought from

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