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Posts posted by Remusable

  1. I really like the style of this song but it's just a bit of a mess, composition wise. It could have worked really well as an album closer, but as it is, it sounds more like an after-thought. Maybe that was the intention, I don't know.. but I wish they'd put a bit more thought into it.

  2. It met my very low expectations after T2L. Composition wise, there's very little on offer. It's a ten track album, several of which are recycled versions of older songs, live riffs, classical pieces and other random tunes.


    On top of the lack of original thought, the lyrics, style and overall tone are embarrassingly juvenile. It's comparable to the diary of a thirteen year old: Pretentious and emotional to the point of nausea. I actually laughed a couple of times throughout the album, at moments that I was obviously meant to take very seriously.


    Reapers and The Handler are decent. A couple of other tracks are alright, but as has been the trend since Absolution, the worst songs just get worse and worse with every album, and it's getting hard to keep taking them seriously. (I'm looking at you, Revolt and Aftermath).


    And you know the worst thing? People will still say they love it, and tell Matt he's doing a great job, and the next album will be just another step away from what they used to be. (They were awesome. They're trying their best to make me forget how awesome they were, but I won't)

  3. I felt like not only did they obviously reference (Rip-off if you prefer) Elgar.. but they didn't even do a very good job of it. I kept waiting for the dramatic climax and it never came, which is pretty bad considering this song was really trying to make itself epic.


    As it is, it's a combination of Morricone, Soaked (Muse), Chicken on a bone (Feeder) and Nimrod (Elgar). Barely an original thought in the whole ten minutes. I could try and find positives, but I kinda feel like I have the right to be disappointed when a song billed as the sequel to CITIZEN ERASED turned out to be several different rip-offs thrown together (And thrown together badly, at that).

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