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Status Updates posted by Orwellian

  1. That would be cool! :D Wow that sounds complicated...but on the other hand interesting too. I've changed my plans and I think I'll head to Lappeenranta university to become a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration. Or then I'll start studying languages. I'm not sure yet. But I'll try to enjoy my last year and not to think the future too much!

  2. It's really annoying. In our school teachers tend to push the good students a bit too much. If you get 10 from one test they expect nothing but that from other tests too. Our grading system and actually the whole school system is quite simple and i think it's working well. We don't have a band playing so the music is played from a tape. It would be cool to have a band playing though. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine in uni. But I get why you're nervous. I'm too and I still have one year left :D I know I'm gonna miss high school when it's over. It's actually so much fun! What are you going to study in uni?

  3. My testweek went very well actually. But this one thing really pissed me off: Our rating in tests is from 4 to 10 and i got 9- from my health education test and my teacher said that he was expecting a bit better result from me! I know I could've done better but I think it was quite offensive cos it's still a good result. Your ball sounds very different from ours! Dancing is not compulsory for us but I thought it would be fun. :)

  4. Oh I totally forgot that there's summer when here's winter...:D We had our autumn break this week and before that it was test week so I've been busy! Yes we have to take partners and I was super nervous to ask this one guy but luckily he said yes :D There's only like five guys in my class and fifteen girls so we had to take a lot of guys from other classes. I hope I'll learn all the steps for the dances and that I'd remember them too...My dress is actually green too :D But there wasn't my size in the store so the dress is a bit too big for me so I'll have to take it fixed.

  5. That's good! Do you have any kind of break or vacation after you've finished high school or will you go straight after that to uni? We don't have ball here but we do have this thing which reminds a bit of it. It's called ''vanhojentanssit''. Only my class will dance because it's like a celebration for us to be the oldest ones in the high school. It'll be on valentine's day but I already bought a dress for it :D Did you have fun in your ball? What was it like?

  6. Oh thanks! I have to move quite far away just because there is no uni anywhere close to where I live. I think I'll move to Tampere or Helsinki...Maybe Tampere because it's easier to get a job there. What about you is there a uni close to where you live?

  7. Wow you're lucky! It's quite difficult to get into a uni in Finland. There's just too many high-degree students here. Even if you'll get excellent grades from your final exams doesn't mean you'd get where you want: the competition is so intense. I took so many different courses because i have no idea which subjects I'm gonna do so..and you'll need to have a certain number of courses to do that subject in final exams. I suck at explaining things in English so I hope you'll get it anyway :D

  8. It is a lot but on the other hand it's quite common amount here in Finland. The more and better you do in your final exams the better chances you have to get to uni. But as you said it's going to be a long time before it. I kinda like studying so it's nice to be back to school. Although I have a bit more courses than last year so it's gonna be harder too.

  9. Well everyone has to do finnish and at least three other subjects. I know I'm gonna do English and Swedish and maybe history too but I'm not sure yet. I think I'll do six or seven subjects because it would help me to get in the university I want.

  10. Sounds fun! This year is going to be so much harder for me and studying takes a lot of my time. I'll also have to decide which subjects I'm gonna do in my final exams and I still don't have a clue.

  11. It was definitely the best gig I've ever been to! I have only one week left before school begins. On the other hand it's nice to go back. I'll get my routines back and it's nice to see some friends who I didn't see on holidays. But then there's also testweeks and the stress about everything else...

  12. It was absolutely mindblowing!! I got the b-stage barrier. It was perfect place to see the whole stage and still be in the front row. I got few awesome pictures! But ofc the best part was when they played Agitated and Yes Please. When I realised that they are actually playing them I lost it and was jumping and moshing like a 14-year-old :D Luckily after them they played Blackout because in that point I was so exhausted...And I've always hoped to see Blackout live! It was just beautiful. The audience was good and I think that Muse enjoyed too.

  13. You were right one girl bought the ticket at the same day I put it on sale. There's only few days left and I'm so nervous... Wow our school system must be very different because my there's about one and a half year left to my final exams. Was your gig already?

  14. One of my friend agreed to come with me but I had to give the ticket free to her. And now I have to try to sell the last ticket. Now the only problelm is that there leave no trains to my hometown after midnight and I don't think that the gig ends any earlier. But there leave busses to Tampere where this friend of mine lives so we'll go there for that night. Shame that all this went so complicated but the main thing is that I can go there! I hope you'll enjoy your gig too. I have one month left until school begins and I'm already stressing about the school work and testweeks...

  15. Wow that sounds so weird cos it's so warm in here! I don't like summer that much but it lasts only like two months in Finland. The summer has gone well so far: swimming and hanging out with my friends mostly. And the gig is soon! I planned to go there with my brother and his girlfriend but my brother said today that he has to be somewhere else and he can't come...Now I have three tickets and no idea who I'm gonna take with me.

  16. At the movies? wow that's cool! I don't have any particular favourite... I've been thinking that too with my friends because it would save a lot of money. And if I don't know what I'd want to study after graduation I think I'll try to get some work. I'm sorry that my replies are so late but I'm trying to enjoy the summer as much as I can! :)

  17. That's true but i think i'll be patient and watch it from TV :)That is a scary thing and i'll try to enjoy living at home for the two remaining years. But on the other hand it would be quite awesome to live on my own.

  18. Yea that sounds a bit tricky..:D I'm quite sure I'll go back to Berlin next summer with my friends, that'll be awesome! Haha thanks for the support I'll try to think it that way...There's only two more weeks school left! And I do usually enjoy studying but at the end of the school year it starts to piss me off. And well, almost everything comes late to Finland so I'm used to that:D

  19. So are those your final exams? Berlin was the most beautiful city I've ever seen! I would really like to live there some day. It was a big shock to come back here because there lives like 5000 people in the town I live and 3,4 million people in Berlin so...And I'll have to start reading for testweek so it was really depressing to come back here. I think I'll go back to Germany next spring if I have enough money. Haha they are showing the season four over here so the final episode is still quite far away..:D

  20. Sorry for not replying in a long time but it's been a bit hectic! We leave on tomorrow to Germany and come back on Monday and I'm so exited!:) Doctor Who is such an epic tv show but unfortunately my friends don't get it so...

  21. Hah sounds a bit weird:D I'm looking forward to summer cos I really need some rest...Although I didn't get the summerjob so I won't have much money for the summer but I think I'll have fun anyway:) Yea I have one testweek left and I'll have swedish, english, psychology and finnish tests so I think it'll be quite easy.

  22. I think it's a great system for someone like me who wants to study but couldn't necessarily pay the enormous tuition fee.Hah you are going to the beach and we still have a little bit of snow around here so no beach for me for a while..:D I have to do my English essay about the Finnish school system and then my schoolwork is pretty much done!

  23. I don't know yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to university. And after that I'd like to travel all around the world but that would require a lot of money...But luckily going to university is free here in Finland so I hope I can save some money for traveling. Try to enjoy your holiday as much as you can!

  24. Going to school and doing some work at the same time would be a nightmare! However, when I'm going to move on my own and going to university I think I'll have to do some kind of work at the same time...I think my holidays starts on the 2nd of june so it's a month and a couple of weeks..not sure though:D

  25. I don't know yet. It's the most frustrating thing when you have no idea how it's all going to be in the end and still you'll have to move on with your life if you know what I mean...I don't know how to explain it but anyway:D I'm just hoping that I'll get a summerjob so that I'd get some money for myself because I have to drive my driving license next year and that's quite expensive.

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