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About Orwellian

  • Birthday 01/29/1996

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  • Favourite Bands
    just Muse
  • Favourite Films
    Shutter Island
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Prison Break
  • Favourite Books
    Shutter Island
  • Muse Releases Owned
    All CD's, DVD's and one book
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Kaisaniemi Park 19.7.2010
    Hartwall Arena 10.12.2012
    Olympiastadion 27.7.2013

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  1. That sounds really good! You will definitely be able to use that. You have heaps of time until you finish. Don't even worry about it. We had our prize giving last night and i was really good. The year 13s are allowed to dress up so I wore a nice dress and some quite high heels. I was so worried about walking across the stage and I had to go twice! I didn't fall though!!! Yay!!! I cried during the school song, the lyrics are honestly the worst when you are leaving school, "So when i leave and I must do, I part of me stays here with you" couldn't make it though that haha :) It was really lovely though.

  2. That would be cool! :D Wow that sounds complicated...but on the other hand interesting too. I've changed my plans and I think I'll head to Lappeenranta university to become a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration. Or then I'll start studying languages. I'm not sure yet. But I'll try to enjoy my last year and not to think the future too much!

  3. Make sure to put some Muse on that tape! :D our system is so hard to understand. Its stupid really. It needs to be simpler. Thank you :) that means a lot. I am at school now actually, no one else is here so its not sad yet. Last day :( i am studying a bachelor of social science double majoring in history and political science. Hopefully it will get me somewhere. Enjoy your year. Make the most of it. You don't realise how quickly it goes by.

  4. It's really annoying. In our school teachers tend to push the good students a bit too much. If you get 10 from one test they expect nothing but that from other tests too. Our grading system and actually the whole school system is quite simple and i think it's working well. We don't have a band playing so the music is played from a tape. It would be cool to have a band playing though. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine in uni. But I get why you're nervous. I'm too and I still have one year left :D I know I'm gonna miss high school when it's over. It's actually so much fun! What are you going to study in uni?

  5. I hate it when teachers have high expectations of you and can't see past what they want from you to what you actually get. I know the feeling. Your grading system is quite different to ours. Yours sounds easier to understand. Your ball sounds like a lot of fun though. You will really enjoy yourself. Is there a band playing? I am getting so nervous! I have two days left at high school ever! Lots of my friends are moving away and Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh i am scared about uni! I hope everything for you is going great.

  6. My testweek went very well actually. But this one thing really pissed me off: Our rating in tests is from 4 to 10 and i got 9- from my health education test and my teacher said that he was expecting a bit better result from me! I know I could've done better but I think it was quite offensive cos it's still a good result. Your ball sounds very different from ours! Dancing is not compulsory for us but I thought it would be fun. :)

  7. You have been busy then. How did your test week go? Is it compulsory that you dance? At our one, there was a room where the DJ and band were and we could dance if we wanted too. I didn't dance much because my feet were so sore from me heels. They were pretty high! Its great you got a partner. I didn't ask anyone. None of my friends did so I didn't either, not that i know boys to ask :) It is a girls school though so not a lot of people do bring partners.

    Green is a lovely dress colour. I hope that your dress fits you after it has been altered. I bet you will look lovely!

  8. Oh I totally forgot that there's summer when here's winter...:D We had our autumn break this week and before that it was test week so I've been busy! Yes we have to take partners and I was super nervous to ask this one guy but luckily he said yes :D There's only like five guys in my class and fifteen girls so we had to take a lot of guys from other classes. I hope I'll learn all the steps for the dances and that I'd remember them too...My dress is actually green too :D But there wasn't my size in the store so the dress is a bit too big for me so I'll have to take it fixed.

  9. Its summer holidays after I finish. I finish my exams in early December and Uni doesn't start until late February so I do get a large break! That sounds like lots of fun. Do you take partners? Our ball is for year 12 and 13 students. It was quite good this year. The theme was la belle rue. i had heaps of photos and that was really all i did, not a lot of dancing but my feet were so sore from my heels i didn't care much :D haha. What is your dress like? Mine was long, green and had a very low neck line. I had to tape it down in case of gaping incidents.

  10. That's good! Do you have any kind of break or vacation after you've finished high school or will you go straight after that to uni? We don't have ball here but we do have this thing which reminds a bit of it. It's called ''vanhojentanssit''. Only my class will dance because it's like a celebration for us to be the oldest ones in the high school. It'll be on valentine's day but I already bought a dress for it :D Did you have fun in your ball? What was it like?

  11. Moving wouldn't be bad. You would get to meet new people. Yeah there is one about 20 minutes from my house. I am going to it. Waikato uni. I have been accepted so that is pretty exciting. I have only got about 5 weeks left of high school now. We had our ball last night so that really made me realise how little time i have left of school. Do you have a school ball?

  12. Oh thanks! I have to move quite far away just because there is no uni anywhere close to where I live. I think I'll move to Tampere or Helsinki...Maybe Tampere because it's easier to get a job there. What about you is there a uni close to where you live?

  13. I understand. That sounds really difficult. But what you will receive at uni would be amazing. You are sure to get in. You sound amazingly smart to me. The languages you know and you are fluent in. Seriously you will get in. But you have a whole year to impress the university people. Will you go to uni uni close to where you live or will you go somewhere else?

  14. Wow you're lucky! It's quite difficult to get into a uni in Finland. There's just too many high-degree students here. Even if you'll get excellent grades from your final exams doesn't mean you'd get where you want: the competition is so intense. I took so many different courses because i have no idea which subjects I'm gonna do so..and you'll need to have a certain number of courses to do that subject in final exams. I suck at explaining things in English so I hope you'll get it anyway :D

  15. It is quite easy to get into uni here. You need 42 level three credits and i have got 40 and i haven't finished all my internal yet, and i have my externals to go as well. I almost wish it was a bit harder to get in but oh well. It makes it super easy for me to get in. What are you taking this year?

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