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Posts posted by Slinkie

  1. Hate to burst your bubble, but a '75 probably won't ever appreciate that much. I'd hang onto it for now because the vintage market is pretty deflated at the moment, once the economy starts revving back up it might be worth around $5k. Still a nice return, depending on what you paid for it.


    We've already had dedicated guitarists and dealers and collectors alike tell us this, people who have been on this earth far longer than you have, have watched and participated in the guitar market since the sixties/ seventies and they all gave us the value and explained their appreciation, they even said our asking price was very reasonable and a few even said they have very rarely seen a guitar (that has been played all it's life) of this age in such perfect condition, so thanks, but no thanks.

  2. She sounds as good as she looks. The guy I bought it off had it professionally set up so she plays beautifully. But yeah, she is expensive, but I go to a lot of collectors fairs with my stepdad (he's in antiques) so hopefully someone with the cash will see it and fall in love with it. She needs a loving home and someone who will play her, not put her in a glass case or mount her on the wall (yeah, the guitar is a she now)


    I recently found out as well that the flight case alone is worth like, £500, so really it's only £1475 for the guitar.

  3. Ah yes, the coat problem.


    Sometimes I even go to the venue without a coat, just to avoid all those fucking lines man. The Swedish winter shows no mercy though. :(


    Damn, I can't even go out in the summer here without at least a light coat.


    I get so cold. :(

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