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Posts posted by DestroyDemonocracyx21

  1. It's so rare to find happy pwoper muse fans, these days.

    They are a band. At the end of the day (though I do compare them to god quite often) they are a band. They are going to change and they are going to try to appeal to wider audiences. They aren't betraying you or being lazy or what not; this is a corporate world. They try the best they can to get through with it, but there's only so much they can do at the end of the day. Why does everybody lose faith in them just because they are doing some more popular stuff? I swear, if you were my fan base, I would give up too :LOL:


    I don't know what the new album will sound like...but I don't think that much of Resistance is going to stay in the setlist. I really, don't. Uprising, yes. Resistance, maybe. Undisclosed Desires, yes (but only because Dom has to have a go on the electric drums...and if they put more electric songs into their next album then UD may be dropped). And probably nothing else. MK as a rarity, maybe. They'll keep the main stuff from black holes, abs, oos, and no they probably won't play showbiz. But, I think that's what makes showbiz so great. Because it is so rare that when they play it, or if you are there when they play it, it's the best moment in the world. Same thing with the better side of OOS. I know I heard Citizen Erased in NJ and it was...no words. But it was no words because they hardly play it (well minus Australia...-_-) So, I actually like rarities. It makes concerts more special and such. But that's just me.


    Anyway, I hated all the negativity. I have full faith in Muse. They could do bluegrass and I would still love it. I'm pumped for their next album and I hope I can catch them again in 2011.

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