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Posts posted by Ian.

  1. They need a full, year-long break without touring, recording or even thinking about music. Just drop what they're doing and go get a fucking life. Then, to get their chops back up to speed and whet their appetites, come back in early 2012 and do a five-night stand in select cities around the world where each night gets an entire album in its entirety plus their related b-sides. (That'll easily filter the newer fans into albums 4 and 5 while older fans get what they want in albums 1 to 3.) Then go into the studio for album No. 6 to be released at the end of 2012.


    You have a great point, now lets see how I can twist this into my own ideas. Pre-new album touring, they could have a mini tour, super exclusive, only hitting major venues one night each. Strictly dedicated to everything pre-Resistance playing the songs that aren't the album singles/currently played popular songs. They could easily hit the songs that people miss hearing.


    It's a great thought, but I'm sure its not very obtainable. I don't think they would go for it, not to mention people would be killing each other over tickets, haha.

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