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Status Updates posted by editor42

  1. true

    but it looks now that there isn't that much fun anymore :(

  2. I don't know what that brings in the site but I hope it goes like before

  3. I miss it too :cry:

    it's easier than this board :\

  4. maybe but I think people are a bit scared after what's happening now

    and I think that if the lounge is back it will be not the same anymore.

  5. I have no idea but I guess something with banning and moderators or something :\

    I really don't know what he means

  6. yup that's why it is so awesome

  7. I hope it too

    I get sick of all the new forums :|

  8. very bored and I know no site or thing that I can do

  9. wa is leonie hare naam hiere?

  10. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPP :themostcheesythatscheeverwas:

  11. yes Coldplayers are taking over the Muse board :evil: :p

  12. :LOL:

    it's a nice forum but cp-ing is much better

  13. they can stay on greg's new forum

  14. if he only closes the Lounge it would be perfect :)

  15. and International and stuff :p

  16. LAURA!!!

    :cheesy: :awesome:

  17. yes that could happens

  18. I'm gonna try to stay away there to but I know to many people there :\

    but maybe Ian opens only the Coldplay section

  19. you're welcome :nice:

    I'm fine thanks :)

  20. did you saw it?

    the board will return soon :awesome:

  21. yes it is good :cheesy:

  22. yes that's me :awesome:

    you can add me there :)


    but I have to go now :(

    see you tomorrow 'cause I can't get on anymore today :'(

  23. hi William :)

    I'm Celien

  24. sounds serious when you miss Mark's topics :\

    but yes life goes on :hug:

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