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Posts posted by celesteluvsmuse

  1. How strange that I Believe I will meet you. Soon. Who would I be to say we could fall in love? Is my lonliness the driving force behind this delusion or a true thread that we are destined to meet?

    The expectation of us meeting has too strong of consequences as it stands alone. To factor love in to this would be devastation.

    I find my self frantic at times. Fluttering between ubsurdly superficial to mind numbing scenarios of "what if's".

    Matthew how will you ever find me?

    The closest I've come to meeting you was starring intently at you in a small Portland show five years ago. Shortly afterwords you specifically said in an interview that intimate audiences gave you the creeps. You prefer large venues. How can I prove to you without freaking you out that I am a totally sweet woman with only the best interest at heart and (probably pg-13) fantasies about you? Well okay perhaps I'm not that bland.

    Closer still to your arrival in the States.

    Till then!


  2. Matt--

    When you get to LA in a couple of weeks I would love for you to look me up here in Portland, Oregon. Its only 12 hrs drive and well, you could fly.

    I would be here for you, your personal escort to all the totally happening spots here. Including the hottest of them all, ME!

    In the late afternoon, I invision us sitting around under this huge giant 100 year old Sycamore tree I knicknamed "The Grandpa Tree". I think you would totally dig looking up at the fading sky through the boughs.

    Around 9:30 I will show you Jupiter through my telescope-- the closest it will be to Earth for another twelve years or so.

    Later if you want we can hot-tub or see some local shows. Too many people might recognize you though and to be honest I want you all for myself!

    Anyway no matter what it is we end up doing I know that it willl all be inspiration for your next album or at least a song or two.

    Look forward to seeing you!

    All My Love,


  3. MUSE--

    Two days ago I turned someone new on to your music. It was a long shot, he is the type that cannot appreciate distortion. Anyway since he is himself a musician, I knew he would appreciate you and the band.

    Well as it turns out he did indeed and even went so far as to say how talented you all were. His favorite thing? The spacey feel to the music.

    I know now he will be hooked-- just like the other 200 million of us-- forever on you.

    Much Love and adoration


  4. Okay okay so you say "WTF!" Really really try to see it from my point of view...

    Once upon a time when I first picked up the bass guitar it was because I was raised by Black Sabbath and seduced by MUSE. CW kicks ass. Still does damn he knows how to nail those lines and drive drive drive.

    Fast forward 10 years I still love the bass but in losing my way with my beloved instrument due to marriage/ child /divorce / excuses I still needed an outlet. That outlet manifested itself as MB's (pain in his) vocals. (and can I mention has inspired me to pick up my guitar...) So very sweet to have the random chance encounter with this total hottie-- the literal embodiement of my best fantasy.

    Oh and guess what!

    He can sing!

    He sang the first verse or two of the theme to SpongeBob SquarePants! AWESOME.

  5. The energy sent has reached the laughing although thoughtful gods of this realm. I take that back I believe they are gods of connected realms. You MB are an entirely different realm than myself.

    That in mind, I send a thankful "thanks" to the gods that interviened and sent along a nice man named Matt from England (about 50 miles north of London) my way today. Complete with that gawd awful sexy dirty accent, a body built like CW's, I was in pure XXX rated fantasy land for close to two hours! Imagine having two of three band members rolled into one human! WOW!

  6. A moment of irrational self pity engulphes me as the Ocean pounds at my thighs and splashes my face. A slap of irony. Cold, alone. Wanting.

    Falling Down cascades through the crash of waves from my head and into the deep deep blue.

    For a moment I imagine the connection of the depths of the Ocean to the furthest reaches of Space. Can you feel my yearning for you? My body reacting to primordial instincts pulls me from the cold Ocean waters.

    Cleansed for the moment. Never able to erase all the memories. I still feel the pain.

    The desire to feel you, smell you to be with you is beyond any pain of ... what? Of losing you if I ever even had you to begin with.

    This is Our Love Affair.

    This is where it gets really really weird.


    Do I dare say your name?

  7. Dearest Matt

    In my search to be connected to you in all matters divine, I came across a movie I thought pertinent to share with you. It is called THE FOUNTAIN.

    The movie has all the elements you would find to be pleasurable: a time line that spans a millennium, a (great big awesome) tree, outerspace, refrences to ancient Mayan beliefs,16th-century Spain, true love that cuts to the quick and more!

    Please have a moment and watch it. I would love to know if I have found that connection with you.


    Celeste in Portland, OR USA


    The Fountain 2006 with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz

  8. a easter egg... and to think I just forked over real live money on muse.mu. Hey but now I'm MP3 Ipod with all my favs and some other thrilling wisps from Le Zeneth. I wish I could say no amount of money is too much to pay to support my favorite band...

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