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Posts posted by Zac3

  1. Dat bass!




    Nice shit, and cool epi is cool! Saying that, the MA got slagged for its pickguards resemblance to the male member, the pickguard on that looks like the whole arrangement. Tis still cool though.


    hahahaha, I'd never thought of it like that.


    are you using the pod for modelling? It seems a bit overkill when you have a bunch of pedals


    I used to use the pod a lot with my band (before I had individual stompboxes), except I got sick of the distortion, overdrive and fuzz tones. Too... Sterile. I just haven't seen the need to get rid of it yet. It's still great as a 'grab and go' effects unit for jam sessions.


    Sweet! How do you like the Epiphone Wilshire and the LoFi 616? I've thought about picking both of those up lately...


    The Wilshire is great. It's got a nice narrow neck, and it's insanely light. I did a few little mods to improve it (the stock humbuckers were a bit boring and muddy). Mississippi Queen in the bridge to get near the sound of the first wilshires that had P90s.The neck pickup is a blue lace sensor. Gets some nice sounds. If you get one of the new ones, you'll want to upgrade it. Get a vintage one. They're pretty nice


    The lofi ekko is fantastic. Not the typical analog delay, but it gives insane walls of sound and some pretty neat overtones when you get the regen just right. It's incredible what sounds can be made with it's oscillation.

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