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About JadeLovesMuse

  • Birthday 04/02/1997

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I love Muse
  • Location
    At Panic Station
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    I have lots of Muse stuff

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Ok I suppose :happy:


    goood. (:


    Haha awesome! What is your band called?

    :chuckle: Teachers smelling bad!


    I won't! I pwomise (: It's anyone's choice what they can do, I'm doing something about how famous people have helped poverty (:




    :awesome: Nope! There were a lot of boats to crash into unlike when my sister had a go, there were no boats at all!



    Aw I want to see that. Is your dad ok now? :)


    My day was average :/ First we had family over, which was fun as usual seeing as they're all cool! But then after they left I went to my room to get something and my whole bed (it's by a window) got 100% soaked from the rain. Someone (so not me! :chuckle:) left the window open and all the rain went through right until the mattress! :noey:

    I had to sleep on a sofa bed in the spare room, which was surprisingly comfortable! I think i'll have to sleep there again tonight ):


    And I also went to the water by my house and just stuck my net in there, and when I took it out there was a lobster in my net! :D I thought they all went because it was a year ago, but I think they somehow survived! I kept one but I put it back cause it could die on it's own in a bucket! I called it David Luiz (after a footballer), Dave for short :')


    Oh wow :stunned: That is one weird dream! :LOL:

    Haha running through Hogwarts to get to a cinema!

    Haha that dream is pretty :awesome: but....me and Hollie in a cupboard kissing? :LOL: :LOL: Weird dream :p

    Lol that's very, er, confusing! :confusing:

    I bet you were really confused when you woke up!


    What are you doing today? (:


    Love you too!


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