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About JadeLovesMuse

  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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  • Biography
    I love Muse
  • Location
    At Panic Station
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    I have lots of Muse stuff

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Yep :L


    yeah but my dad said 20 quid was enough ): so I got Wasting Light in CD and The Fall by Gorillaz :D I was looking for the new Metronomy record but i couldn't find it either :( I saw some Avenged Sevenfold, I was tempted, but I didn't get one ): I will download it on itunes later, it looked alright (:


    aww thanks thats sweet of you :) i will find one someday :yesey:It'll just be very hard to find someone nice enough :$


    oh yes! The whole floor! :awesome: It's been like that for a couple of years now and I still don't ever use the shower there :LOL: I always use the main one downstairs :L



    i go home tomorrow too :( i have to make the most of today so I went out to dinner with some friends! Just got back :) how was your day todayz? Anything interesting happen?


    By the way, I was going to mention this, but twice this week you have turned up in one of my dreams! It's really random and quite funny too. First i'm in a water park and you turn up with a Python! (which you dropped in the swimming pool and then somehow it ended up in someones sink) :chuckle: You had a friend with you too but I forgot their name :chuckle:

    And then last night it was like something out of dr.who! (did you see it last night?). I was in England and there was some code red alert on some monsters who were rampaging all houses in england. I ran for safety and ended up in some apartment block with all these other "refugees hiding from the monsters" and you were there!

    i'm not sure how you're turning up in random dreams. In the dreams i'm sure it was you at least...I didn't exactly recognize you but you said you were Jade from the messageboards...

    Freaky, i wonder if it will happen again? :LOL:

    Have you ever had any random dreams?



    :LOL: i'll think of a question...sometime soon :chuckle: (tomorrow :) )


    Love you too!


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