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About JadeLovesMuse

  • Birthday 04/02/1997

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I love Muse
  • Location
    At Panic Station
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    I have lots of Muse stuff

JadeLovesMuse's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



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  1. :happy:


    Haha Matt in a cupboard with slash :L He probably does it for show, like Dom. All so confusing :/


    :) I might just buy some more when I raid HMV on Friday! I'll get my pics from NME when I get one usually! (:


    Nope. I gave up ages ago. Safe to say I am not liking anyone right now :(




    :LOL: Massive Stitch is cool :yesey:


    Cool house (:

    My house- When you go through the front door there is the hallway. The the first left are the stairs and the second left the basement! On the first right there is a door leading to the main front room. There is a dining room, front room and kitchen all in that one big room.

    When you're upstairs on you're right is the bathroom. On the left the office my dad has and my sisters room. There is also one more staircase (to the attic), which is where I "live" :). I have a whole floor to myself! I have my own shower, spare room and bathroom!

    That's my house! Oh wait, also a garden too, with a guesthouse and some grass! :)

    Hope you get that! :chuckle:


    Next random question....can't think of one! :LOL: Can you?


    Love you too!



    EDIT: Just realized that we not only have the same calendar for Muse, but that your desk thingy which your piano is on is also the exact same as one in my room! I'll show a pic when I get back home!

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