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Grammaton Cleric

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Posts posted by Grammaton Cleric

  1. Pendulum - Witchcraft. I don't know why but I think it would be cool :happy: Bullet For My Valentine covered it on Radio 1 Live Lounge, it sounded cool. Muse should go on the Live Lounge :)


    Why hasn't Muse done the Live Lounge, it would be so cool if they did! Hey! Come on Guys pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese :D


    They should do a cover of Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix, or maybe Peace Frog by The Doors.


    Wow Peace Frog, that would be cool. Although I could imagine Matt playing the piano parts on Love Street, beautiful song! :)

  2. I haven't posted alot on this forum, mostly because I usually have nothing to say and reading it is very entertaining. But there are a few things that kind of bother me, and I'd like to share it with you guys because it may be bothering others as well.

    There's alot of known (M)users here... quite a few have been supporting the band since the very beggining, and I respect that, but... some users can't seem to get over their own superiority and are laying down the "guidelines" for what it is to be a true Muse fan.

    For instance, alot of older fans disagree highly with some of the newer songs... many say that songs like "Neutron Star Collision" and "Feeling Good" suck horribly and that those who listen to those songs aren't a real fan. They say that If you only listen to The Resistance and only know a few songs you aren't a real fan.

    To the prospective "newbie" on this site it's terribly alarming. So many songs you like, but obviously thats just not accepted here! A weaker person would be scrambling over themselves not to admit that they got into Muse through TR, and like songs like Supermassive and NSC. While I don't like those songs exclusively I don't think their very existence should be shunned. People have different tastes, and luckily for us, Muse has produced a very large range of music for those with different tastes.

    I don't see either why people are abandoning the band for Neutron Star Collision. I'm not a Twi-hard, I hate romance and gooey stuff like that, but it seems all the Die-hard fans think this is not their usual old-school Muse, and are boycotting the song. Even if thats your choice, you just can't bring yourself to find even one redeeming fact of the song, as I tried to state above, don't press your opinions on others. Everyone likes Muse in their own way.

    Muse themselves have produced a vast range of musical styles, and reasonably enough not everyone is going to like every song they come out with. Still, its Muse. I don't think any song should have a reputation that says "You can't like this song, because if you do you aren't a true fan. You signed up on this site not to critique every noise they make, but because they're this cool band you like, right?

    Lastly... And I think I'll get the most hell for this...

    Alot of people talk about the band themselves on this site.. in a very... uncomfortable way. Some fantasize about Matt kissing them, Dom taking them on a date, Chris impregnating them. Now, I find it a bit disturbing myself but imagine the band! It must be uncomfortable for them to read what people say on their own site! I can understand being happy you met them. I can understand hero worship. I can understand even a crush (who doesn't have a crush on some celebrity?) but not to the point where it's embarrassing, unrealistic, and even downright pathetic. There's a difference between having fun and being a little weird. Even the band themselves (Chris I believe) has mentioned that they don't like the way they're discussed here.

    I could add more but its late and I'm tired, not to mention really anything I say will be redundant. I know my opinion is a little unsual, but I guess I'm just the new kid here with some crazy ideas about the world in general.

    But isn't that all of us, really?

    Questions, comments, concerns? If you disagree please tell me why.


    Hey Blasphemy


    I think you were right to post what you did. I thought it was a highly intelligent and thoughtful message, you obviously have taken some time in writing this and I admire you for that!

    I myself am a very new Muse fan, only since hearing 'Uprising' on the radio and over the last few months have become familiar with some of their albums (although not all). I can honestly say I don't hate any Muse song I have heard so far. Yes there are some variations in Muses style over the years and some songs that people cannot appreciate musically. NSC for instance is a highly commercial song, yes it's about love and yes it's a bit soppy, but it's still Muse (in fact the piano parts on that song are beautiful) so if you are a TRUE fan surely you should appreciate your band in whatever form they take? Shouldn't a true fan stick through all their musical changes and experiements??

    As for some of the more pervy threads about the band members. Ok so, hands up I've looked a few of images in those threads and you're gonna get threads like that on many sites, I've seen it before on sites like 'Empire' (film magazine) and I also see it on the 'Stereophonics' thread I also post on (you should hear the way they talk about Kelly Jones! :eek:)

    No harm in looking at the pictures, but I guess it must be very freaky for the band members to read the sordid comments about themselves, so I just don't post anything like that. The band probably just avoid looking at those comments anyway and hopefully they read (if they come on here and read) the relevant stuff :D


    Hi Muse!!!! :D

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