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plug me in

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About plug me in

  • Birthday 12/03/1991

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. Little country with great wine, beaches, food and great people too.
    I'm studying to become a vet, since i love animals i guess that is a smart move xD
    I'm addicted to MUSE since 07, but i first heard about them in 06 and i must say that they didnt really impressed me, first song i listened to was starlight (dont worry, months later i made up for it eheh) Regarding MUSE i have to say that i'm kind of inlove with Dom and my friends mock me all the time because of this! But love conquers all, right?? :P He is just the most cute and interesting person i've ever seen (cant say met, YET XD)! Ok, so now who reads this is gonna get the stalker vibe, but its cool its Dom, so you have to forgive me :P
  • Location
  • Interests
    I love listening to music (obviously :P), travelling, writing (in Portuguese, so dont be surprised if you find spelling errors xD)! I also love surfing (the real deal and also the web), dancing but in the real meaning of the word, not just in clubs bcause thats not really dancing or is it??! hehe
    I also like reading, watching TV, go to the movies and I also love animals!! And i guess I'm a dog person (and a Dom person too xD)
  • Occupation
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  • Favourite Bands
    there is no need to say but i'm gonna say it anyways! MUSE! Also, The Beatles, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Bob Dylan, Queen, Rage against the machine (that i started listening to coz of Dom!), Foo Fighters, The white stripes, Bullet for my valentine, Phoenix, Eric Clapton, AC DC, Oasis, Florence & the machine, Breaking Benjamin, Jamiroquai, Metallica and so many more!!
  • Favourite Films
    American History X, Fight Club (pretty much everything with Edward Norton i end up loving it eheh), Across the Universe (<3 The Beatles), Casablanca, The nightmare before Christmas, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Woody rocks!) and a lot more!
  • Favourite TV Shows
    HOUSE, Supernatural (mostly because of Jensen lol), Grey's Anatomy, The Simpsons, Dexter, Scubs, 30 Rock, How i met your mother; Mad Men and i really enjoy watching reruns of Fame and Ally McBeal :D
  • Favourite Books
    i only know their names in portuguese, but they are way too many to list anyway xD
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OoS, Abso, BHaR
    (and TR, Hullabaloo, HAARP but not originals)
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    06-06-2008 Portugal
    27-05-2010 Portugal

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  1. I can't stand spoiled children....They think they can do anyhing and get away with it!I'm glad u enjoyed the holidays though...They are too precious to waste. :D

    MRI was not as cool as House :( I mean it was nice, I was 1 hour and a half on the machine and i couldn't move but the machine made a wonderful sound like a buldoze (? I don't know how they call the trucks used for buildings :facepalm: ) and most of the time I was singing (not aloud obviously :chuckle: ) muse songs that had the same tempo.SS was my MRI song :D

    I felt the same way when I came back last week.I still have some major gaps to fill.It's like I'm starting over again (exo reference :ohmy: )

    Arsonists must pay for it some day.They ruin the countries, the environment and are the cause of many problems in people's lives.Russia had a huge problem too.Their air is toxic now :(

    I'm a brunette too :happy: But since I was a child everyone said how easily I get tanned and that I looked like a stranger(yeah they teased me a lot when I was little) I guess that's why I prefer not to get tanned.Although everybody else sais I have a golden/honey colour which is great, I can't stand it :(.My winter-me is better imo!

    Blond would look awful on me! I can't even bare to imagine it! Brunettes rock anyway :p Even if every blond girl I know is like super smart...I'm quite jealous really :$ !

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